2 Pork Butts tonight


Gary R Miller

TVWBB Super Fan
Getting a early jump on easter. Went and got 2 Pork Butts for a Saturday feast. Paid $25.81 for the 2 of them. Forgot the price and weight. Taking pics from the beginning will post final product when done.
Plans to feed 10 people and vacumn seal the rest in 1/2 lb, 1 lb, and 2 lb packs. To help me gauge warm up times for sons grad party.
Starting cook and 12:30 am hoping to rest by 12:30 pm. 3 to 4 hour rest. Being that I am useing a propane smoker I may set temp to low and rest right in smoker it will hold 150 to 160 rather easily. Cyas on the finish side. Happy Easter to.

