2 Grate timing questions

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Mike U

TVWBB Member
I've successfully survived my first few single grate cooks, (Thanks to all for their help) and am ready to graduate to 2 grate smoking.

How do most people manage the cooking times between grates given the temp differences?

If you're cooking 2 butts or 2 briskets do you put a smaller one on the bottom grate, and if so what's the size relationship to get the cooking times the same? I've also seen posts here where people say they go with the same size and then switch grates at the halfway point.

Also, what about a butt and a brisket? I think you'd always want the brisket on the bottom, so what's the relationship between the size of the two to get the cooking times to work out?

Thanks for any suggestions,

What I do is put the longer cooking item (butt or brisket) on the bottom grate and the shorter item (ribs) on the top grate. That way when the ribs are done I can move the butt to the top grate and finish.

If I'm doing alot of ribs or a couple of butts at once, then I swap them around (bottom to top, top to bottom) about halfway through the cook to promote even cooking.

If I happen to be cooking poultry along with another meat, I put the chicken on the bottom as you don't want poultry dripping on your other meats...food contamination can occur.
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