2 1/2 Hours In


Eric Lee

TVWBB Member
Nestled about 6 apple/cherry chunks in the coals under two pork butts at the start, now at 2 1/2 hours in no more smoke. Is this normal?
Yep, after a while the white smoke disappears but you'll still get some residual smoke that's very hard to see. At this point it gets down to how much smoke flavor you want/like on meat. You can add more or leave it as is. If this is your 1st go at butts, I'd suggest not adding more wood and this will be your benchmark. Keep notes as to quantity, size and type of wood. After tasting the meat; you can adjust on your next cook. I think you'll be fine with the smoke flavor you get with the 6 pieces of wood. Let us know how it turns out.

Hmm Paul K? I think your book arrived to my home today.

