1st time at spares and NOW with PICS


Don Reed

Well I'm finely going to try doing SLS spares this week. Since I'm not using water in the pan would ya'll suggest the 3-2-1 method? Any input would be appreciated.
WEll, I don't foil, and use a clay saucer. I minion the start and run at 230 or so.
I would forcast a 5 hour cook for what you describe, but, as I said, I don't foil.
And I cook 100-150? higher, sometimes use foil, sometimes not. Upshot: Many approaches work. Pick one, see what you think, pick a different one for the next time, go from there till you find the method you prefer. Operative issue: Cook till the ribs are tender, not by time.
I always foil ribs because they are too dry for some reason if I don't. Experiment like these guys say and find what you like and what works for you!
Well I finally got them cooked. Not to bad for a first. The family definately prefers baby backs,said they're less hastle to eat and I have to agree. Not sure if I trimmed them exactly right,seemed to be a lot of excess meat and such from my trimming also when I cut them when they were finished I some how managed to cut a few bones. Did 3 hrs then 1.5 foiled and about 30-45 min to firm. Since I didn't post any pics of the London Broil I figure I should show the ribs.




They pulled from the bone pretty easy so they must have been cooked. The trimming took about3hrs but I left them in foil during the cook,maybe just a tad over cooked but the flavor was okay. All these pics are after foiling and before serving,they looked kinda scary straight from the foil.

