1st smoked turkey 2015

I love turkey. Peacan and turkey are a marraige made in heaven. I prefer to do turkey on my Performer, so I can get high heat and crispy skin. But, I've done a bunch on the WSM also, and they turn out great as well.
I love turkey. Peacan and turkey are a marraige made in heaven. I prefer to do turkey on my Performer, so I can get high heat and crispy skin. But, I've done a bunch on the WSM also, and they turn out great as well.

I'm with Vern on this one. My Performer is my go to for turkey. I do prefer apple for the smoke wood though and everyone loves them. Been using a kettle or a Performer for turkeys for as long as I can remember. Have done one in my WSM and it came out great but for turkey, the high heat in a Performer is the best. Enjoy that turkey and remember to post pics.
I'm with Vern on this one. My Performer is my go to for turkey. I do prefer apple for the smoke wood though and everyone loves them. Been using a kettle or a Performer for turkeys for as long as I can remember. Have done one in my WSM and it came out great but for turkey, the high heat in a Performer is the best. Enjoy that turkey and remember to post pics.

The pictures are on the Facebook site kinda last minute
WSM got up to 325
Just cooking and no worrying like I do on an expensive brisket
I like smoked turkey a lot, and do turkey legs with apple wood, usually with higher heat (350) for crispier skin.
Leftovers tasted great nice hint of smoked flavor
All my coworkers were like "what smells so good"
Other then the use of a performer any other tips for crisp skin

