1st smoke on the kettle


Dan Allen

TVWBB Super Fan
I picked up a pork butt at a butcher a couple of towns over that has a great reputation. Last night I threw together some of my standard pork rub, rubbed it on the butt, and let it sit in the fridge overnight.

I've got the kettle set up using the domino method I've seen here with three chunks of mesquite spaced along the line of coals. I've been getting constant smoke since I put the butt on at 8am (it's currently 9:45) and it's just getting to the second chunk with some of the first chunk left. I'm using kingsford charcoal (of course) and have a loaf pan of water on the rack with the butt.

The temp has been holding steady at 250 at rack level for about the last hour with the vents open just a crack. The recipe I got off the net says to have the temp between 200-225 but I'm not sure if I can close the vent more than it already is.

I'm keeping a close eye on things and will pull the butt when the internal temp hits about 170.

I'll post again later to let everyone know how it turns out.
250 is fine. 200 is too low, imo, and you just lengthen the cook with no benefit.

You are planning to slice the butt I take it since you're pulling at 170?
If you are going to pull it, you want to take it up higher - 195F or so. Luckily most butts come from the factory with a built in temperature indicator - the bone. When the Bone wiggles freely, its done!

I shoot for ~190 for butts for pulled pork, some people prefer higher. In the 170s-low 180s sufficient rendering has not occurred so even though the butt is done it's not done, and thus not quite pullable.

The meat will likely plateau in the 160s and hang there quite a while (you might see a temp drop of a few degrees as well) before climbing again.

Double-wrap in HD foil and rest in a dry cooler (stick a large towel in there with it) for an hour--two is better--then unwrap, pull and enjoy your dinner.
Ah, I see. I went back to check Ray Lampe's book where I got the 170 from orginally. That's for *sliced* butt.

Right now it's at about 130 at about the 2:45 time mark.
The butt turned out pretty good. Thanks to K and Rich for their suggestions.

I did pull it at about 190 degrees. The meat was falling off the bone. It had about a half-inch smoke ring. The thickness and redness of the smoke-ring suprised me, at first glance I thought that it wasn't cooked through.

The taste was pretty good. Not competion level (yet) and definately not as good as my "better then s*x" brisket but good for a first try.

I definately proved to myself that the kettle can make an decent smoker.

