1st attempt at pulled pork

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Hello everyone!

I picked up a WSM last Friday, and had a great
first try at baby back ribs on Sunday. I tried
the BRITU approach to the letter, and the results
were great.

This weekend, my experiment is Eastern NC
pulled pork. My current plan of record is to
follow the "Mr Brown" plan described on the
website, but start at 5am and cook to an
internal temp of 190-195F. My plan is as

- 6.5-8 lb boston butt, w/the Mr Brown rub
- start with a full chimney of charcoal,
fill the water pan, and put the meat on
when the grill temp is ~280F (it'll fall
after adding the meat)
- add smoke wood (hickory and oak) when the meat
goes on
- cook at 225-250F for the first few hours, then
add fuel if need to cook at 250-270F grill temp
until the internal temp is 190-195F

I know this is a bit higher temp than most people
recommend, but I'm interested in seeing whether
I can do a nice pulled pork w/o smoking

I'll serve this on buns, using a vinegar-based
sauce, with cole slaw, collard greens, and
corn bread.

Since I'm new to the WSM and pulled pork, I
welcome comments/suggestions/recipes/etc!


ps. I've read about the Minion method, but since
one goal is to start at 5am and eat by supper
time, I plan to start with 6lbs of charcoal
and add lit coals as needed, in hopes of
getting the meat going at 225-250F sooner.
Richard, Im my experiance you just cant rush good Q. I have never and I repeat never had a butt reach 195 - 200 in less than 15 hours @225 to 235 cooker temp. I do understand where your comming from though. Thats along time. I always start with a full charcoal ring. Minion method. With butts. You can adjust your heat higher if you want. I'm sure someone else will chime in here with more advice but that would be mine. Just cant rush it. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
I agree,my pulled pork, and I do ALOT of them, AVERAGES 20 hours, I always start @5:00 p.m. on saturday, using the minion meathod, let it go till 11:00p.m. add hot water, turn and baste go to bed and get up at 7: a.m. on sunday, stir coals add hot water, insert polder, turn and baste, adjust temps as necessary, and let it go until internals hit 170's. That is when the temperature plateu hits for hours due to fats rendering out and cooling meat. At this point, I'll foil and place back in cooker until it hits 190 - 195 internal. Then the time will be somewhere around 1:00p.m. Wrap in towels and place in an igloo cooler for what can be hours and it will stay warm as it rests. Then right before dinner time pull that pork and enjoy!!!
15 to 18 hrs at 250 deg has been my experience, too. The meat temp held around 165 deg for two to three hours before it started rising.

When the charcoal ring is full, just adjust the air vents to adjust temp. No need to add fuel.

Pork Eat World
Use the Minion method! It allows you to start cooking right away. You put your meat at the same time as you add the hot coals so it starts cooking that much sooner. Also, firing up 30 briquettes is a lot faster than firing up a full chimney. Leave your vents wide open until your temps get near your target temp, then begin to close them down. I am usually on target temp in about 45 minutes.

My target lid temp is usually 240-260. I leave my vents open 100% until the temp hits 240, then close them down about 50%. That usually almost stops the temp rise. About 15 minutes later the temps are reaching 250 and I close the vents down to 20-25% to stop the temp rise entirely. Sometimes, I have to open them up again a little if the temp starts to drop.
Okay, so it sounds like I should just bite the
bullet /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif and try the minion method overnight.

Any favorite rub and (vinegar-based) sauce
recipes? I'll buy the meat today, so probably
get it on the grill Saturday night.

Richard, I can't remember where I saw this to give credit (it was probably either here or the BBQ Forum), but it is simple and perfect, IMO.
* 1/2 cup catsup
* 1 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
* 1 tsp cayenne pepper
* Mix it up and drizzle it on.
I love this stuff on pp, and the fact that it's so simple makes it that much better. Doesn't even need refridgeration. And don't forget the dollop of cole slaw. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
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