18.5" vs 22.5" WSM


Mark Wilkerson

New member
I'm in the market for a WSM but I'm confused as to what size to purchase. The more I read the more confused I've become. I'm leaning toward the 22.5 because I like the idea of being able to lay three or 4 slabs of ribs on the grate at without cutting them in half & using a rib rack. I also like the idea of having the additional capacity. Admitedly I don't cook for large numbers of people very often. Is the 22.5" overkill?
Mark, Welcome! Absolutely not. I cook for 2 people at home unless we have guests. I have an 18 and a 22, purchased most recently. Like you I like to cook my ribs flat and at comps I do 3 slabs. I also cook 16 thighs, just harder to do on the 18. Only down side is you will use more coal in the 22 than the 18, but I have yet to find another disadvantage. If I had to get only one I would go 22.

Robert - Thanks for your input. What you are saying about having the 18" & wishing you had the 22" is what I don't want to happen. Regarding learning from mistakes; I have always said that many times we learn when it costs us time & or money.
Mark - Thanks for the clarification. The majority of my cooks are for our family of 4 but there are always the occasions where the extended family shows up & additional food requirements are necessary. I'd rather have too much space than not enough.
While I agree with everything said in these previous posts, I still end up using my 18 more than my 22. We can produce a huge volume of food out of the 18. That said, I did cook 14 racks of Spares for a party in my 22.


