18.5" Charcoal Ring


Luis L.

Anyone know the price of this? I want to use an 18.5" charcoal ring in my 22.5" WSM for shorter cooks. If too expensive, is it safe to use fire bricks inside the stock 22.5" to block space?
Sorry I can't help you on the price. Call Weber CS @ 1-800-446-1071 and they can help you out. Here is the Schematic/Parts list. If it's more than you want to spend, you can always make one with expanded metal. The Fire brick method works too. Check this link . I use actual "Fire Brick". There is potential problem with regular Bricks exploding
due to the heat. If you do use reg. Bricks, I would wrap a few layers of foil around each one to keep the Shrapnel to a minimum.
Not sure of the price for a new ring and a quick search on Weber.com didn't result in any results. A quick call to Weber CS should give you that info.

That being said, I use fire bricks in my 18.5 WSM all the time for shorter cooks. Should have no issues with doing that in a 22.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">It looks like I'm going to go with the expanded wire mod, just need to find some. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why? How expensive was the Weber ring? I've been thinking of the same thing.
There's a guy on eBay who sells them all the time for about 40 bucks (50 with shipping).

"webercloseouts" or something similar is his eBay account name. I've bought several items from him, including a Summit thermometer, 22" WSM bezel, 18" WSM lower vents, OTG ash catcher. He has items that you typically can only get from Weber.

