16 lb prime rib


Hal Desart

New member
hey guys,

couple question about smoking a prime rib on Christmas...

should the fat side be up or down? i heard some conflicting reports.

also how long should i expect the roast to cook for? its 16lbs and is boneless..

im using charcoal 2 lit chimmeys and no water in the pan.

Lots of ways to do it. I did one like a month ago. I seared it in an extra hot oven first, like at 450 degrees for a 20 minute time. Then on the wsm for a slower 250 to 300 lid temp until done. Dont over cook it unless you like it that way of course. If some eaters want a more done piece they get an end piece! I pulled it off at 145-150 degree internal temp and let it rest with loose foil because the temp will rise inside!
Lots of different ways to do them but what I have been doing lately is as follows:

Minion method and put the rib on as soon as the WSM is assembled. I only use 2 peices of oak and 1 small piece of mesquit. Fat side down and don't worry about the temp of the WSM. It usually settles in at 330-360 with all vents fully open. I pull the rib when the internal temp is 123- 125 degrees as I want the middle to be on the medium rare side. Usually takes around 20-25 minutes per pound. Let the rib rest under loosely tented foil for at least 15 -20 minutes and then slice and serve.

Doing a 10 lb rib tomorrow and then a 16 lb next Sunday and plan to use Montreal steak Seasoning as the rub this time.

I love these smoked Prime Ribs just be careful not to oversmoke it. That is why I use very little wood. Still gives it a nice mild smokey flavor though.

The key is to make sure you don't overcook it. Pulling it our at 145-150 would be way overdone for my tastes as the temp will continue to rise another 5-10 degrees.

