15 - 20 people Brisket and pulled pork high heat.


Jonathan Jarembek

TVWBB Member

this week sat i am cooking for 15 - 20 people. they have requested pulled pork and brisket as the meat of choice.

just wondering how much of each meat do you think i need .."well brisket" and cooking and holding meat.

I went to sams club today and they had pork on sale so i got 2 butts for a total of 19.5 lbs.

I will use a high heat method for the pork and it should be done in about 5 ish hours.

as far as brisket they usually have flats around 4 - 6 lbs.

this is the hard one for me.. how much brisket do i need ? Also typically when i do brisket i have only cooked 1.. how do i fit 2 on the top rack or do i use both and move them around though out the cook ?

the best i got this figured since i use different smoke wood and rubs for each meat i need to cook the pork first and double wrap it and put it in the cooler for about 5 hours.. then i would cook the brisket and once that's done let it sit while i finish the rest of the sides ?

let me know what you guys think in terms of the amount of meat i need and how to cook these different meats and how to hold them.

dinner time is planned around 8:30 at night so i have the whole day to smoke and hold.


I'm no high heat expert, but if you're confident you can get the brisket done in 5 hrs the hold on the butts will be fine. So far as amounts, you could easily get by with just one nice butt (8 lbs or better) and a decent sized whole packer (around 12 lbs before trimming). Otherwise just go with a couple of 5-6 lb flats. I'll bet you could squeeze em both on top. If not, use both grates. The rest of your plan sounds doable. Good luck!
I've done pulled pork the day prior... and after pulling & re-seasoning; refridgerated in 1 gal zip locks...place in a crockpot on warm the next day...can't tell much difference. By the way..if you get behind on either of these meats ....just smoke 'til 165* then double foil with apple juice and finish to 190-195* in 350* oven
so i was thinking since i am doing high heat methods with both the pork and the brisket if i choose a more neutral smoke wood or just use apple for both i could cook both meats at the same time.

i would put the pork on top, brisket in middle, and once the pork is done put it in the cooler, and move the brisket to the top rack to finish ?

just not sure if i am missing something here or am i going to run into issues because of HH.

I would put the butts on the bottom rack and the brisket on the top rack. The brisket will be done before the butts.

I would use the apple for both.
Other option on smoke wood would be start your butts first.. At foil stage, add the brisket and the beef smoke wood. With the butts in foil no smoke flavour should penetrate.

The only problem is the amount of juggling you will have to do

