11.5 hour brisket cook on the mini on one load of charcoal

Sorry I'm just getting back with you. I cut the bottom out of the tamale pot. The grill is in stock condition. I use it all the time as a regular grill.

I leave the charcoal grate and fill the entire grill up with charcoal except for right around the side air vents. I think it helped that I was cooking a small flat at a very low temperature under almost perfect conditions. If I was cooking 2 7 pound rib roasts at 275, I feel like I would have been lucky to get half that much.
Thank you so very much for your explanation, it was well worth the wait! I can see clearly now

Thanks Justin - I am having much better luck by filling up the bottom without the grate. I am at 7hrs and have been stable at 235 pretty much throughout the cook.

Thanks again!

