1/2 Turkey . . . any ideas/suggestions?



TVWBB Diamond Member
So I went by my local meat market this evening to pickup my Tri-tips for tomorrow and noticed they had 1/2 Turkeys available for .59 per pound. So I start thinking, I wonder how 1/2 a turkey would do on the WSM. I had no intention of smoking again this weekend but 1/2 a turkey may be interesting and it's dirt cheap . . . I can get a 9 lb. bird for under $6 bucks, I don't think I can pass that up. Also I have some Rancher I've been wanting to try in the WSM. Also keep in mind I only have Hickory and Mesquite on hand.

Any suggestions? I don't have time to brine or if I do only for say 4 hours tomorrow morning. I have an injector, so maybe I could do a short brine and then do some kind of an injection.

Thanks for the link Russ, I think that's what I'm going to do. I'll be the first person in line at my butcher's shop this a.m.

Hickory and Mesquite are both quite strong, on a turkey I would use them very sparingly, like maybe 1 chunk. I oversmoked a turkey once, and it's the kind of mistake you only make once!


