recipe management

  1. John K BBQ

    Texas Style Beans - What's your favorite bean recipe?

    I made a "Texas Style" bean recipe yesterday that was a big hit. I thought it was an interesting recipe because it said to start w/dry pinto beans, soaked in water AND SPICES with some diced onion. After the soak, you put in some left over chopped brisket (I used smoked chuck) and then cook...
  2. R

    MasterCook Recipe Management Program Vastly Improved + Multi-Platform Functionality

    In case you missed it, the new owners of MasterCook have been hard at work in the last year or two - I just received this memo: *MasterCook On the Cloud* To Soon Have the Bestselling Software Program’s Full Functionality · Two-phase plan set for completion by end of 2016 ·...

