Boned in thigh or boneless?

Either. Doesn't really matter.
Boneless give you the option of placing some spices inside the folded thigh rather than just on the meat surface.
Everything tastes and cooks better with the bone in....just my opinion. Sent the lady of the house to the store for chicken thighs, she came home with boneless - skinless, those quickly went into the freezer (maybe when I do some kabobs) and I was on my way to the store.
Only tried boneless a couple times, judges didn't like them at all. Same rub, sauce etc. as usual so the bone was the only thing different.
Greg... you have a point ! Without the bone, those slick little monsters are hard to hold on to ;)

... guess it's time for me to revisit this topic... (JerryA will understand ;) )

