Q on the Canal 3 UK Event


Darren Wilson

TVWBB Member
I hope this is ok to post on the forum (if not please remove Admin, and let me know by PM)

With the recent sad issues regarding the UKBBQA who started the "Q on the Canal" events last year as KCBS sanctioned competitions in the UK, I have taken over the organisation of future Q on the Canal events. The previous team behind the UKBBQA have given me their blessing to continue using the name, but do not wish to be part of the organising of events, although they are more than welcome to compete (and probably will do).

The next event is in the planning stages at the moment, and all feedback from potential sponsors and others that have attended the events has been very positive. We are also hoping that the event will be sanctioned by the KCBS as well.

The official Facebook page for the event has launched tonight, and can be found at https://www.facebook.com/qonthecanal

If you are from the UK, Europe or even further afield and would like to be kept informed of progress and latest updates, please "like" the page if you use Facebook. Once all the details are finalised, a dedicated website for the event will be going live as well.
Wishing you the Very Best with this. Fight fire with fire, if need be.
Also... get KCBS on your side.

Hi Bob

Thank you for the words. The KCBS European and UK Reps are on side which is going to make things easier to get the sanctioning etc. Progress will be steady rather than rushed but given myself almost a year to organise everything fully.
Dates and venue are now booked & confirmed.

Pre-registration is open for those who might wish to compete. If interested, send me a Private Message with an email address through the QotC facebook page (link in original post) and I will send the pre-registration form to you.

We have 2 extremely generous sponsors that have agreed in principle for the event, and several others that are interested in sponsoring the event in some way.

Things are starting to come together now.

