Gordy's Salmon Dip


Chris Allingham

Staff member
Posted by Tom Raveret on 02/06/04
I got this recipe from one of the fishing wizards who hangs out at the marina and used to bring this to all our dock parties.

This is simple and lets the fish stand out without too many other flavors. The taste depends on how good your smoked salmon is, of course.

1 to 1-1/2lb smoked salmon
1 lb cream cheese
1 cup mayo
1/2 Tablespoon Dijon mustard
1/2 Tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon dill weed
3 dashes black pepper

Shred salmon in a food processor, soften cream cheese, mix in the rest of ingredients.
I recently tried two variations of this dip that both turned out very good.

For a lower fat version substitute light mayonaise and reduced fat cream cheese tasted great.

Also had someone over that didn't react well to Dill and ommited it entirely and it was still very flavorful
chris, I've made this recipe for years for parties, subbed bluefish and striped bass (whatever I caught) for salmon, everyone loves it, perhaps you want to add it to cooking topics?

