Search results

  1. E

    Pork Butt v2

    Hello all-- Pork butt #2 got done this weekend, and while it was more of a success than #1, I still didn't get quite the results I was hoping for. Weight was again about 8 1/2 lbs., again boneless. This time I wrapped with string into the tightest bundle I could manage. Cook temp was 250...
  2. E

    Post Mortem on First Cook--any help gratefully accepted

    Hello all-- Brand new WSM owner. My first cook on my new WSM is on the books, and I definitely had some unexpected behaviors I'm hoping you all can explain to me. I went with a pork butt, since everyone says it's so forgiving. However, it was a BONELESS pork butt from Costco. About 8.5 pounds...
  3. E

    Gasket throws off hinge alignment

    Hello all-- First time poster, brand-new WSM owner. I've gotten myself into a pickle and could use some advice. I got myself a brand new 18 inch WSM after doing a lot of research, and got a lot of bells and whistles to go with it--the upgraded door from Cajun Bandit, and a hinge and gasket...

