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  1. Dave in KC

    Curb Alert !!!

    Eh .... sure wish it looked that pretty right now. :(
  2. Dave in KC

    The bad touch! (thank you dear enablers)

    I have retrieved more than my fair share of Webers. Never on a bike, and for sure never on a bike in the snow. *hat tip
  3. Dave in KC

    Genesis 4/5 Restore

    LOL @ the famous rock.
  4. Dave in KC

    My new Skyline - A blackout edition

    Another gorgeous grill resto, Jon. I can't decide if I like it better than the original with the beautiful wood though. Coin flip, I guess.
  5. Dave in KC

    How do I create my own wooden slats?

    I have done a few sets of these using 1x2's.
  6. Dave in KC

    Deployed with Operation Barbecue Relief

    Very proud of you, Jon. Great work.
  7. Dave in KC

    4 Pork Butts

    I really don't know yet. I pulled the butts off, closed the vents, and pushed the WSK back up near the house where it sits. Lots of honeydo's and the gym early this morning. Then back to the 3 grill restos that I am currently working on. Chiefs game after that.. and now I'm pooped. I will...
  8. Dave in KC

    4 Pork Butts

    Busy day... just now finding time to post... The finished product...
  9. Dave in KC

    4 Pork Butts

    Settled in at 225 with the smoke I like to see. I'll check back in about 10 hours. Not with you guys... well maybe you all also.. but I have no plans to check on the WSK until 4AM or so. Just gonna let it do its thing.
  10. Dave in KC

    4 Pork Butts

    Sis-n-Law conned me into smoking 4 butts for her on the WSK this weekend. Apologies in advance for the dirty grills.
  11. Dave in KC

    WOW indeed!

    Pretty fancy set up for a Spirit. Will they offer one next for my Smokey Joe?
  12. Dave in KC

    I will just leave this here

    Brand New/ Never Used Wolf ..... $750 obo ... Someone is going to be getting a helluva deal.
  13. Dave in KC

    The Searwood has arrived!

    Weber Seaweed for sale in Kansas. :ROFLMAO:
  14. Dave in KC

    Spider Huntsman vs Chud Grill

    $1800? :eek: For that kind of $$ you could get a Hasty Bake. Some a little more, others much less expensive, and all are far more versatile.
  15. Dave in KC

    Is this worth the money ?

    I saw your comment the first time, but I still don't believe what he told you. It looks too clean to have been done by hand, however the picture quality is horrible.
  16. Dave in KC

    Is this worth the money ?

    Never say never, as a fool is born every minute. However, the seller would be very fortunate to receive a little over half of his asking price. Doès it have cooking grates? If so, what and are they? For the record... the fire box appears to be blasted to me. I have never seen one that clean...
  17. Dave in KC

    Smoke Day Brisket Battle

    It certainly has crossed my mind, that's for sure. Although, it would cost more that I paid for the WSK. Not that I haven't done that before either though. :ROFLMAO: But unless Jeff feels like doing some charity work, this one will likely stay black.
  18. Dave in KC

    Smoke Day Brisket Battle

    I tried to keep things as close as close to the same as possible. B & B lump, with 2 chunks of cherry on the WSK. And after finally finding a deal this was my first time using the Royal Oak Charcoal Pellets combined with Lumber Jack cherry... instead of my normal LJ Char-Hickory with...
  19. Dave in KC

    Smoke Day Brisket Battle

    TWO GRILLS- SMOKE FIRE vs SUMMIT KAMADO TWO PRIME PACKERS FROM SAM'S Which grill will smoke a better brisket?

