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  1. J

    wanted to try turkey this weekend...

    Even if you can't smoke it, there's nothing wrong with roast turkey sandwiches with bacon and avocado. Yum! We're in the hurricane's path as well. Let's hope it makes a right turn towards the ocean. I just got a new stove and it has electric switches to kill the gas when power goes out...
  2. J

    basic dry rub

    I dry brine poultry and meat. Just sprinkle with salt and let it sit for a few hours. Overnight is even better. It makes a world of difference to texture, juiciness, and flavor. If your rub has salt in it, you can use that as your dry brine. Hence one of the reasons that people let their...
  3. J

    Share your favorite grilling/kitchen tools

    No gadgets here, just really useful kitchen tools that I couldn't live without... Plastic quart containers (the cheapies you get with large orders of soup from chinese takeout). They're awesome for all kinds of kitchen work, housework, and storage. Lids are absolutely spillproof, they clean...
  4. J

    Any John boos owners here?

    I've got two of the 24X18 boards. One stays on the countertop for vegetable prep work, etc. I use the other as a carving board for roasted meats, etc. They're awesome boards. Keep them well-oiled and clean and they'll last for a lifetime. They look really good, too. That said, even though...
  5. J

    Rib Trial & Error Day(s)

    Cut the rack in two. Wrap one piece so it'll be fall off the bone. Keep the other one unwrapped for more of a tug. Same cook time but one won't get the braise. Even better, cook baby backs for those who want fall off the bone, spare ribs for those who like a little bite to their meat. Too...
  6. J

    Prime Brisket

    Do you have to ask the butcher staff at CostCo to grab you a whole packer from the back or do they have them out in the coolers? My Costco only puts out trimmed flats (granted, they're very large flats) though I admittedly haven't asked if they could grab me a full packer from the back.
  7. J

    Moist flat in a packer cook

    Given your frustrations, I would play with some extremes to see if you can start isolating the problem. Bite the bullet for one cook and splurge on a prime brisket. See if that makes a difference. If not a significant difference, then the problem is likely not the meat you're getting. My...
  8. J

    garlic peeler

    This might be considered sacrilege but I've become a convert to pre-peeled garlic (not pre-chopped, pre-peeled). I was opposed to the notion at first but read an article by Kenji on Serious Eats that said he never noticed any drop in quality when using pre-peeled vs. whole clove. I switched...
  9. J

    Use Honey as a binder on pork butt?

    I wouldn't think it would have a ton of benefit. It might help to form a glaze (a la city hams) but not bark. Bark at it's core is really just dried out meat - like a really thin layer of well seasoned jerky over the roast. Honey wouldn't aid in that process and might actually prevent a good...
  10. J

    Which thermometer?

    Thanks for all of the feedback! I'll probably give the Maverick a run since I love the idea of being able to monitor temps from inside the house.
  11. J

    corn over low heat?

    I like the really high heat method. Keep husks, etc. on and cook over the hottest part of the grill until the husks are well brown/burnt. It's even OK to let them catch fire a little bit. When husks are sufficiently charred, pull off the grill, cover with foil to let them steam in their own...
  12. J

    Wok Help!

    Another piece of advice - make sure you get a wok with good protruding handles. The hoop handles that are traditional are horrible for the home cook and make the pan impossible to manuever (you'll constantly have to have a side towel with you and I guarantee multiple burns when you forget to...
  13. J

    Kettle 26" or performer......???

    Get the 26". I've been running a 22.5" kettle for a decade and absolutely love it but I do find that I'll often run out of room in a proper multi-zone set up. The 26" offers a ~40% increase in cooking area and that's not insignificant. Also, the bells and whistles on the performer series can...
  14. J

    Why do ppl Boil Ribs?

    It's all about convenience. They might not be true barbecue, but they're much easier for most people to execute (par-boil and finish quickly with sauce on the grill while people are waiting). If you get enough char from the grill, some people might even say they taste good. It helps if you...
  15. J

    My humble opinion on lump charcoal

    I share the opinion that lump burns hotter and faster than briquettes whether it be because of inconsistent sizing for lump (allows more air into the fire) or some other factor. I also tend to have more waste from lump as there are invariably really small pieces of charcoal that fall between...
  16. J

    Cooking for about 16 - Enough Food?

    People tend to eat less of the mains/sides at a party than they might otherwise eat at home or at a sit-down restaurant. Also keep in mind that more people than you'd think will avoid or minimize consumption of foods that can't be easily eaten with a fork and knife when at a social gathering...
  17. J

    Brisket cook time

    One thought - I think you'd be OK to up your target temp to 250F - 275F or so. 225F won't do much for you other than extend the cooking time by a pretty signficant margin. At the higher temps with a wrap, I support consensus that something like 6 hours is the right ballpark. Probably closer...
  18. J

    Which thermometer?

    Hi, all. New user here. I've been cooking on my 18.5" WSM for about a year now and am loving it. Question on thermometers - I'm currently running two standalone units to keep an eye on my meat and cooking temps during the cook with a ThermaPen serving as final confirmation before pulling...

