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  1. R

    Hi from Valencia (Spain)

    Thank you ;)
  2. R

    Valencian paella

    Ye, I did and I regretted. I added two hickory chunks and it was almost too smoky. Tradition here is to cook paella witch orange tree wood.
  3. R

    Hi from Valencia (Spain)

    El gusto es mio :)
  4. R

    Hi from Valencia (Spain)

    There is my paella, I hope you enjoy the post:
  5. R

    Valencian paella

    If your fire is too hot or you have less broth your rice will not cook properly, so have the 20% broth reserved previously and add it if necessary. Do not add water. Do not stir. Rice has to be dry, or almost. When our paella is done, the broth is consumed and your rice is al dente, put out...
  6. R

    Valencian paella

    When beans are soft, add 2 tsp. of smoked paprika power and then the grated tomato. Don’t let the paprika burn or it will ruin your paella. Cook the tomato Add the rice with the saffron and stir Add now chicken broth, about 80% and reserve the rest for now. Four parts of broth for...
  7. R

    Valencian paella

    There is a tradition in Valencia, Sunday is paella day. And in a bunch of homes paella is prepared by men. I learned this recipe from my mother and it has no innovation at all: this is the only and authentic paella from Valencia. Ingredients (for 4 people): - 400 g (14 oz) Short-grain white...
  8. R

    G'day from Spain!

    Hi from Valencia
  9. R

    Hello from Spain!

    Greetings from Valencia, paisano.
  10. R

    Hi from Valencia (Spain)

    Hello, my name is Rafelo and I am a beginner in this world. I'm from Valencia, where the world famous paella is from, so my idea is to cook one and post some pics here when I get used to my new Master Touch.

