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  1. MikeLucky

    Pecos Table

    I knew something was up. It's a $700...
  2. MikeLucky

    Pecos Table

    Answered my own question.... Drop shipping site. DO NOT ORDER from them. Too bad because that table seems fantastic. lol
  3. MikeLucky

    Pecos Table

    Anyone know anything about this table? Looks...
  4. MikeLucky

    Sunny SoCal with SS performer & mods

    That's beautiful. Can't believe she came back to you. Gotta love it when life happens that way.
  5. MikeLucky

    OK Ribs on Big Z and Single Malt

    I always score the membrane as opposed to taking it off. I prefer my ribs a bit more fall off the bone than competition style and not only does the membrane help keep them together a bit after cutting, but it's also like a crispy chicken skin. I'm told I'm a monster for leaving it, but I can...
  6. MikeLucky

    Does anyone have any info on this?!?!? 22" Stealth Kettle

    The only thing I can think of are back to wood handles and/or grate style coal baskets instead of the stamped metal baskets. That's my only shot. lol Oh, maybe the paint that got really dark at the bottom of the kettle lid when it gets hot?
  7. MikeLucky

    Howdy from Ocala

    Lakeland here. Welcome. Be careful around here.... can lead to a larger Weber family in no time. lol
  8. MikeLucky

    Outdoor cooking tables, bbq prep area.

    Yeah, I guess I'll re-up the contract. Lol
  9. MikeLucky

    Outdoor cooking tables, bbq prep area.

    So, because the grills on the back patio aren't covered we lost a couple of grilling nights the last couple of weeks due to rain. Since my fully covered grill area is firmly on the wish list at the moment my wife decided to make something happen. I've been slammed at work the last couple of...
  10. MikeLucky

    Does anyone have any info on this?!?!? 22" Stealth Kettle

    Oh I have a 96 redhead gas assist performer and a gas assist WSK. Didn't stop me. Lol
  11. MikeLucky

    Does anyone have any info on this?!?!? 22" Stealth Kettle

    I'm probably never going to cook on this kettle, but if I ever decided to I would absolutely get the Venom and I'd get the high heat paint to paint the ash bucket black as well.
  12. MikeLucky

    Does anyone have any info on this?!?!? 22" Stealth Kettle

    Yeah, the thermo and the red sweeper arm cap really top this one off.
  13. MikeLucky

    Valentines Dinner, flowers that won't ever die, and a monster created...

    We're in Lakeland right between Orlando and Tampa. We can see the launches at night, but I don't think we'll be a factor on launch days, stealth or no. Lol
  14. MikeLucky

    Does anyone have any info on this?!?!? 22" Stealth Kettle

    I respond to either name. Lol. My last name is Mikulecky, (Mick-Uh-leck-ee) so as a writer and Internet posting enthusiast, I swapped the U and the E and it became my pen name; Mike Lucky. Plus my Dad and my Uncle used to routinely go by Mike professionally because with our last name it was...
  15. MikeLucky

    Does anyone have any info on this?!?!? 22" Stealth Kettle

    It's funny the things that make me happy in life at this age. Lol She arrived today. Like always, I'll put it together tonight, inside the house, when everyone is asleep. And, I'll pretty much be Robert Duvall from Days of Thunder in this scene, but just with a grill instead of a car. Lol
  16. MikeLucky

    Valentines Dinner, flowers that won't ever die, and a monster created...

    So, when my wife and I first got together I kind of introduced her to food cooked on charcoal. She always just said grilling was grilling. She had a rusted out old cheapo gas grill on her patio. Of course she married me and my merry band of Weber grills. Now eleven years later we are...
  17. MikeLucky

    Does anyone have any info on this?!?!? 22" Stealth Kettle

    Got my email from Lowe's that it was in stock for shipping. Says it'll be delivered Sunday. 🤞🏼
  18. MikeLucky

    Small Coffee Maker

    So, I've thought about this concept. They tell you not to reuse grounds because it apparently extracts benzene and makes the coffee taste terrible. Well, most restaurants use the large tank style brewers. My theory is that they brew so much coffee through one brew and set of grounds that by the...
  19. MikeLucky

    A couple of new Charcoal Go Anywhere features

    So, I tested it out and international shipping for one set is $34, 2 sets made the shipping go up to $46. So, yeah, you have to REALLY want those to order them with that shipping cost added on. Lol

