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  1. T

    pizza on OTS the bane of my existence

    I love j's set up. I'll put the dough with a little olive oil and seasoning on for about a min, take it off, put topping on and heat from there. It seems to help the crust and I have less issues will dough sticking to peel and dumping the pie.
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    Rib Advice please!!

    I see no obvious flaws to your methods. 225 is a little low In my experience and I think the fat renders a bit better between 250-275. However, your temp is not likely to yield extremely poor results. From what you wrote I'm wondering if it was just a bad piece of meat? St. Louis is just a...
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    First Turkey On WSM

    Nice lookin bird there. It looks like you ran the water pan empty. Is that required for getting temps that high? I just got my wsm and haven't tried a bird yet but it's on the to do list.
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    Ty from Idaho

    I want to participate in this tri tip throw down, that will probably be my first cook on this beast. I cook lots of them and are a personal favorite but it seems like an awful lot of space to heat up for a small piece of meat. I know... I'll cook 4 tri tips to justify firing up the big boy for...
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    Throwdown #16: Tri-Tip

    They are all over the place here in Idaho. Very cheap for the quality if beef IMO. I wonder if you can order them online? Interesting quotes from the butcher conversation. You would think they could just got cut you one if they really wanted to. Maybe they just didn't want to or maybe they just...
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    ill never use newspaper in the chimney again

    I've always used news paper but if I ever run out I have a good back up plan now. I saw a video where someone used those cubes in place or lit charcoal when using the minion method. I can see it working but I'm guessing it takes quite a long time for the grill to get up to temp.
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    Ty from Idaho

    Sorry for the late reply. My two year old sprays water on my new LED TV (killing it), internet problems put a damper on my new forum experience, and killed my big initial cook with the wsm. I had company coming over for dinner tonight and as I did not have time to properly season the new wsm I...
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    Ty from Idaho

    Happy to join the group. I've been smoking on a webber kettle for years. Decided to jump into a 22.5 wsm today and thought it would be fun to join the party. Looking forward to good times and great food.

