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  1. M

    WSM Pork Butt and Beer Can Chicken

    The one time I did a beer can chicken it was a high heat cook, but this week I did a few separate cooks that included chicken wings and quarters at 250*. Both meals the chicken was the unanimous favorite at the table. And this was with some fairly stiff competition... prime rib, tri tip, and a...
  2. M

    Neelys Memphis-Style Smoked Beef and Pork Ribs

    Agree with above comments regarding the Neely's.... pass. One question about paprika for Bryan S. in particular... I know the standard store-bought paprika is completely flavorless ("What's the red stuff on my cheese sauce," I might've asked more than once as a kid. "Oh, nothing, just some...
  3. M

    Whatcha Smokin' fer Christmas?

    Grilled halibut on Christmas Eve and a boneless rib roast for Christmas. Why my folks picked out a boneless roast is beyond is beyond me... less waste they say, less flavor I respond and leave it at that.
  4. M

    Santa Maria Style Brisket

    Not to be discouraged be chewy sliced brisket, I was determined to salvage the point. You guys can tell me whether it looks okay going into this pot of chili... I based this on a turkey chili recipe I make all the time. Yes, those are pinquito beans. I don't get too worked up about...
  5. M

    Santa Maria Style Brisket

    Clint, thanks I'll give it a try. George, yeah, I figured as much. It was definitely edible, but next time, I'll know a little better.
  6. M

    Santa Maria Style Brisket

    Just finished dinner. Very tasty. Not perfect, but a good first effort, I think. Here's the recap... Pulled it off the smoker just after 5:30 after about 4 1/2 hours. It felt tender in the flat, maybe not as tender as it could've been. This is how it looked coming off: Ready to Rest...
  7. M

    Santa Maria Style Brisket

    Saturday was a last-minute shopping day. Sunday became clean the house from top to bottom day. Hmmmm. Not the weekend I envisioned with my first brisket sitting in the fridge. Not a problem. I had my eye on the boards, and this came along and brightened my day BIG TIME!! Well, the...
  8. M

    Bacon Explosion

    I'm a bit late to this particular discussion, but I suppose it was about a year ago that a friend passed along an email with the "bacon explosion" recipe. This was at the height of the bacon craze. Seems things have settled down a bit since then. Well, I didn't make one immediately, but about...
  9. M

    First wsm cook. Cooking some spares trimmed St Louis style. Added Pictures

    They look real nice from where I'm sitting!
  10. M

    Brining Bucket

    I remember Larry Wolfe saying something like this a while back, but I never took advantage. Thanks for the reminder. There's no need for me to pay 10 bucks for 2 brining bags again.
  11. M

    Pulled Pork for 60 (update w/ pics)

    HA! Well, these were the first pics I've posted, and I was trying to follow the rules and all that. Or maybe I was just trying to get some more traffic to my fiance's website. That's . Wallets, handbags, all that stuff your lady wants, just in time for the holidays! (Are...
  12. M

    ***WSM Spare Ribs w/pics***

    Those ribs look awesome, Mike. And I concur that you have done a fine job of showcasing the capacity of the 22" cooker. Did you prefer one rub over the other?
  13. M

    Pulled Pork for 60 (update w/ pics)

    No, I believe this will be a one of a kind. Pretty as she is, though, the WSM can run laps around her in terms of efficiency and steadiness of temperatures. I think you are going to very quickly discover the WSM to be a consistent and reliable workhorse.
  14. M

    spares question

    Yes, this has caused me some grief in the past as well. Spare rib burnt ends don't much do it for me. I think that the more racks I've purchased, the better I am getting at picking out the good ones.
  15. M

    Pulled Pork for 60 (update w/ pics)

    Thanks, Dennis! My future father-in-law (the "future" will be removed in June) built it from an old air compressor various parts gathered from ebay. He had some help with the welding, but the man is nonetheless a genius of sorts. Some old pics: Parts in the driveway Coming together With...
  16. M

    Pulled Pork for 60 (update w/ pics)

    Steve, here's what I was told: "The clamp and rings go by two different names in industry. They can be called V-band connections or Marmon Flange connections. They are used in industry primarily on diesel truck exhaust systems and also on race car exhaust systems. Lately I see a lot of them...
  17. M

    Santa Maria Style Brisket

    "cook over red oak." Oops, I should know better than that, having been raised in Santa Maria. You gotta have one of these to really cook over red oak. No, I'm using the smoker, with chunks of Nick's Red Oak Firewood, found out front of supermarkets throughout the Santa Maria Valley.
  18. M

    Santa Maria Style Brisket

    Inspired by the success of my last cook, and thrilled to be at the beginning of a 3 week winter break, I stopped by Freedom Meat Locker on my way home today and picked up a whole packer. Now I've been smoking for a couple years, but I have yet to attempt brisket. High heat is an obvious...
  19. M

    Pulled Pork for 60 (update w/ pics)

    That's funny, Larry. First you say that you're wrong more often than you're right, then you dish out an extra bit of knowledge that has to be right. I repeat: DO NOT DOUBT!!
  20. M

    Pulled Pork for 60 (update w/ pics)

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. Larry, I guess it was that last little warning about drying out the pork that stuck with me, rather than the temperature suggestion. Next time I'll know better: NEVER DOUBT LARRY WOLFE. There, I think it's stuck in my head now! Steve, I'll get back to...

