Search results

  1. R

    Found an SJP - now what?

    Hi all - my dilemma: I found an SJP (6 of them actually) on sale (10% off) at the local Ace hardware store. I've been holding out for a used 18.5 one touch gold that I can cut the legs off of and therefore keep the ash catcher and eliminate the air flow issues.... However, after a month of daily...
  2. R

    Modifying a One Touch silver

    Is it possible to add the one touch GOLD ash catcher to a one touch SILVER grill? If so, does weber sell it separately and is it hard to attach? I also want to add the grooved handle and wire (along with shorter legs) so that I can essentially create a portable Smokey Joe Platinum w/ proper...
  3. R

    SJP "solution" - has anyone tried this?

    Hi all - I'm going to the beach in 2 weeks and will be making a pulled pork. I was going to buy the SJP - but keep reading about all the airflow problems. I could buy one and do one of the suggested mods but will never get it done by the trip. My question: Has anyone ever bought an 18 inch one...

