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  1. D

    The Adapt-a-Damper - Open Source Project

    As someone who has not been keeping up on the status, I don’t want to attempt to answer all of your questions. But, I will say that I am still using mine and I am not sure the heatermeter needs any updates. I believe everything you need is open source and available. Just build it.
  2. D

    New Damper Options

    I messaged you, just in case you didn’t see it.
  3. D

    New Damper Options

    I've been using a microdamper for many years now and it seems to be on the fritz. I'm sure it's fixable, but I would prefer to either buy or build a new one. I've always liked @WBegg's Adapt-a-damper design. And, I'm aware of the STL files posted here. I don't have a 3d printer. I'm sure I...
  4. D

    Cowboy Oak & Hickory Hardwood Lump Charcoal [not recommended]

    I recently purchased Cowboy Oak & Hickory Hardwood Lump Charcoal from Costco. I was shocked to see that my bag included scrap tongue and groove material. That's definitely the last bag of Cowboy I'll ever buy. The bag says that it's all natural Oak and Hickory.
  5. D

    Thanks again, Bryan, Steve and Ralph (and all, really)

    The pork loin turned out great. When the temps got close to my 155 target, I dialed back the pit temp to 175, then changed my mind to make it 200. The Heatermeter did its thing. I'll be doing another loin like this. Oh and speaking of the Akorn's efficiency, this is using only the leftover...
  6. D

    Thanks again, Bryan, Steve and Ralph (and all, really)

    It's been awhile since I last posted. And, because I've been working on my weight, I haven't been doing long cooks or smoking fattier foods like ribs or butts. But, I did smoke a couple of butts for the 4th and the cook was impressive. I'm "slow" cooking a pork loin now. And, the temperature...
  7. D


    I can't keep the dang oils straight. I thought canola was supposed to be better for you than coconut oil. I like coconut oil. So, that works for me. However, I've never tried grape seed oil. I like the idea of regular butter. How do you add the butter? Do you just melt it separately and...
  8. D


    I've been using a Whirley Pop for awhile. Turning the handle gets a little old, but it does a great job. I usually use 10-12 grams of canola oil. But, I like coconut oil better, but my wife doesn't. So, I do it her way when she's eating it. I also use a little Flavacol. If I want extra...
  9. D

    Mystery of Intermittent Lost Connection to HM - (seems to be solved)

    I just wanted to pass this along for anyone who might be able to connect to their HM one minute and not the next. The short story is that I changed routers. I moved from an Asus AC3100 to a Netgear Nighthawk X6 R8000. The back story is that I have had intermittent connection problems with...
  10. D

    Coffee maker

    I think I measured the temp when I got it. But, I don’t recall what it was. I can try and measure again, if you want. The other maker I was looking at was the Bonavita. But, it was only 8 cup. We need 10. A friend of mine bought it and likes it.
  11. D

    Coffee maker

    @Clint We have had that model Zojirushi for a couple of years now. Occasionally, we get a residue of black flakes in the bottom of the coffee pot. I can't tell exactly where they come from. I find the carafe and the carafe lid difficult to clean. I guess I cleaned it good enough the first...
  12. D

    Feature Request: slow descend

    Thank you for clarifying, John. I did another test run last night. It wasn't as pretty as some graphs I've seen posted. But, I'd say it is pretty reasonable, none the less. I started my PID at 4, .0012, 31. After the first couple of oscillations (around 8:45 or 20:45), I lowered the P to 3...
  13. D

    Feature Request: slow descend

    @John - I already owned my HM before buying the Akorn. So, I haven't really done much with it without the HM attached. And, it's difficult to switch back and forth between using the HM because I replaced the sliding vent with a piece of aluminum with a 1" hole to accept a pipe nipple. To...
  14. D

    Feature Request: slow descend

    I use Royal Oak lump. Most of the time, I used one wax cube to light. But, during my tests, I also started using a torch.
  15. D

    Feature Request: slow descend

    My servo fully opens and closes.
  16. D

    Feature Request: slow descend

    I was thinking something more like an independent P term. If the dT became more negative than the max descend, then temporarily add to an independent term (maybe similar to the bias you used to have, although I don't know how the bias worked). I can see that adding another parameter would be...
  17. D

    Feature Request: slow descend

    Not arguing that better technique is what one should strive for. It just seemed like it might be a useful feature, even if it is compensating for poor technique. Sealing it would definitely help too. I think I can probably maintain 225 with the top vent fully closed. How did you seal yours, add...
  18. D

    Feature Request: slow descend

    I have the Akorn and the microdamper.

