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  1. J

    Hello From Los Gatos

    Thanks to all for the warm welcome!
  2. J

    HeaterMeter v4.0 for RaspberyPi / Standalone

    Hi Bryan, Thanks fot the info. And thanks for a great project. Serial interface! I guess I'll have to install the FTDI header and try to use my ftdi board. I only installed the ICSP header. At least if I install the FTDI header on the wrong side, it will still work! Thanks, jimmy
  3. J

    How many Heatermeter/Raspi built so far

    I'm building one standalone, and I have an extra board for building RasPi version later. So that's +2. Jimmy
  4. J

    HeaterMeter v4.0 for RaspberyPi / Standalone

    I'm searching through the fora and through the Arduino code, but I can't find out how you can set up a standalone HeaterMeter to use a 4x20 LCD. I found a source of cheap 4x20 lcds that work really well, and it's the only size LCD I have on hand. Can someone point me a the right thread, or share...
  5. J

    What not to do!

    I thought I'd start a new thread where we could share our mistakes, so that others can learn. 1. Don't install your ICSP header on the wrong side of the HeaterMeter board!. (It goes on the 'back' side!) I was lucky my Laptop's USB port was smart enough to shut down the USB port when I...
  6. J

    Hello From Los Gatos

    Hi, I don't have a Weber Smoker yet, but I do have a kettle, UDS and a COS. I'm interested in the HeaterMeter project. Thanks! Jimmy

