Search results

  1. R

    Work Potluck

    I was planning on making pulled pork for a work potluck next week. Was going to get the two pack from Costco as the meat source. My question is: If I were to pull around 11 a.m. and serve for two hours in a covered aluminum foil pan, would I have to worry about the meat going bad? Or should I...
  2. R

    Pulled Beef?

    Hello Everyone, I was thinking about making pulled beef this weekend and I had a few questions before doing so. I went to Costco today to look at there selection. All that I saw for beef was a choice grade Beef Round Tip. It was about 13 lbs. It had fat layers in it, so it looked like a good...
  3. R

    The Best Way Sear

    Hi all, This is my first time posting. I have been reading posts though, for the past couple of months, mostly in the BBQ section. I have a question that I was not able to answer by searching through the Bulletin Board. The question is, What is the best way to sear? I was planning on doing a...

