Search results

  1. Russell Y

    BBQ Quiz

    Oops. Link updated if you have nothing better to do. Russell
  2. Russell Y

    It's not too late - Earn $10,000 in two weeks while eating ribs

    Applications close June 19 at 12:00. "As CGO, you won’t need a comfy corner office because for two weeks in August, you’ll be busy tasting and savoring BBQ ribs from some of the top BBQ rib cities in the country. Along the way, you’ll share tips, grilling techniques and photos on the Reynolds...
  3. Russell Y

    40% off Books at Thermoworks 24 hours only 5/7/2019

    40% off Books at Thermoworks 24 hours only Russell
  4. Russell Y

    I am too late for the kettle pellet burner

    So, what do you think? Well a little more research shows its too late for their early bird specials but you can still get in. Russell
  5. Russell Y

    Gently used 22.5 in San Diego

    Brother-in-law has 4 year old 22.5 WSM. Used only 5 times. Twice by me. He got a free Green Egg and Santa Maria grill and is moving on from his WSM. He is trying to figure out what he wants to list it for. Stay tuned. Russell
  6. Russell Y

    Lodge on sale

    Lodge has put many of their ci pans on sale. Check Walmart, Target and Amazon.
  7. Russell Y

    Throw away all of your thermometers - Meet the Meatrix

    Found a advertisement in one of my subscribed emails for the Meatrix. I don't really know much about it, but it is new. Here is a link - and here is another one -
  8. Russell Y

    Tool for dry aging

    I have been using a dorm size refrigerator I got for $10 at a garage sale. Computer fan for circulation and Uv sanitizer, four whole ribeyes and one whole New York I am moving on. This freezer will be replacing it. $140 at...
  9. Russell Y

    Hasselback Potato Cutter

    I have seen this - and this - How do you cut your hasselback potatoes? Russell
  10. Russell Y

    FoodSaver alternative roll material

    Largest discount I have seen in a while - Foodsaver link Russell
  11. Russell Y

    What is the biggest Spatchcock Turkey that will fit on a WSM 22?

    Fried turkey vs smoked turkey competition this thanksgiving. My plan is spatchcock Keri apple brined turkey on a 22" WSM. Will I have any problems with a 18 pound bird? It will be a fresh turkey, would you choose a dry brine over an apple brine? Thanks for any suggestions. Russell
  12. Russell Y

    This weber is a steal! Hopefully it isn't stolen. $50 - Azusa, California Good luck
  13. Russell Y

    Foodsaver Sale

    Buy 4 of the same kind get 4 free. Also 30% off one item. Over $50 free shipping. I am going for 8 - 11x16 rolls, a 3 pack of 8x20 rolls. I put the 3 pack of 8x20 rolls in the cart first. Entered promo code of flash72 for 30% off Then I added 8 - 1pack of 11x16 rolls. itemized - 19.59 for...
  14. Russell Y

    Weber Sues Char Broil

    "Weber-Stephen Products is trying to turn up the heat on a competitor for allegedly stealing a design at the heart of the company's line-up: the bulbous grill that's held up by three legs."...
  15. Russell Y

    New Thermapen New features - Backlit Reversible display Motion sensing Waterproof to IP67 (I don't know what this means) And you wondered why they were having so many sales on the previous model.
  16. Russell Y

    32 quart tamale pot

    Tamales are in season. Get your 32 quart tamale pot here.
  17. Russell Y

    Would you pay $136.37 a pound for a good ribeye?
  18. Russell Y

    BBQ items at Ikea

    Rib Rack - Water pan refiller - WSM handle - Of course there could be more. Russell
  19. Russell Y

    Anyone put an ATC on a mini?

    Anyone put an ATC on a mini?
  20. Russell Y

    Bone-in Thighs

    Do you have any tips or techniques you use for grilling bone-in thighs on the q?

