Search results

  1. Jeremy Calow

    Labour Day Weekend cooks (beefs and chickens)

    Honestly its been a cycle since I meandered out to actually cook some stuff this past weekend for the family. Friday night was a spatchcocked chicken with some garden beans and noodles. This guy was cooked on cherry wood which was delightful. Then on Sunday my wife asked me to pop on...
  2. Jeremy Calow

    Some Porchetta and a strange ice cream

    G'day folks, its been a hot minute since I was last here sharing a cook. Couple of weeks back I had the urge to do something and grabbed a couple of small skin on pork bellies to do a couple of porchettas for a few friends. I mixed up a double batch of chorizo and fried that off, and got to...
  3. Jeremy Calow

    A return, from Calgary

    Gday folks. It has been a long long time since I participated here on the board, and for that I am sad. I haven't stopped cooking just stopped with the online side focusing on my landscape photography instead. I hope to get a few posts up in short order catching up on some recent cooks, but...
  4. Jeremy Calow

    Poultry Fest (pic heavy)

    Still have the itch to experiment and cook for folks, so had a couple of folks over for a few new recipes and a feast of chicken. Menu was limited to some wings, roadside chicken and waffles, and an experimental fatty (more to come). Wings were pretty straight forward, dusted with a rub I...
  5. Jeremy Calow

    Small Gathering w/ food

    I'm running solo for the next month and work has been a rather large pain in the back end as of late. So I called a few of my colleagues over on Friday for a bit of a hootenanny. Running solo for the whole time meant I didn't take the best pictures in the world, but I do have some to keep things...
  6. Jeremy Calow

    Celebratory Shin-diggery at the Calow House

    So this year due to scheduling travel and other impacts, my brother in laws birthday and my anniversary are going to be missed from a gathering perspective. As such I suggested we shuffle some dates around and have it this weekend instead of later in the month. Started off preparations last...
  7. Jeremy Calow

    Canada Day Weekend Frito Pie - with a twist

    So we had some friends over tonight, and originally I had planned some tacos but had a change of heart mid week. So.... I decided to go with a mixup of Frito Pie! What better way to celebrate the Canada Day long weekend, then by a Texas/New Mexico dish :cool:... So to make my chilli first I...
  8. Jeremy Calow

    Beef Ribs

    Asked by the missus to do some Beef Ribs for dinner today. First thing this morning it was absolutely chucking down with rain so I was a bit worried, but things have brightened up so time to get these darned things out there. Starting up the chimney with my standard Royal Oak brickets. Today...
  9. Jeremy Calow

    Bacon burnt ends

    So here's some pictures of the bacon burnt ends that I have been working on. Kinda using Daniel Vaughn's write up of Heim BBQ's recipe guidelines as the basis. Started with a 3 lbs slab of pork belly that I quick cured with brown sugar, salt and maple syrup for 5 days turning each day. Tossed...
  10. Jeremy Calow

    Bourbon Sweet Tea

    Here's something I've been mixing up for smoke day parties (before the wee one showed up unfortunately hehe). Bourbon Sweet Tea 2 Cups boiling water 6 black tea bags (I use orange Pekoe ) 1 Cup granulated Sugar 1/2 cup your favourite Bourbon 1 lemon sliced 1 lime sliced 1 orange sliced...
  11. Jeremy Calow

    2-Bone Rib Roast

    Howdy folks, first post back here in a long long while. Also I can tell I am out of practice on the photos portion, cause I missed a bunch of the middle steps stuff hehe.. Anyways as is becoming our Sunday tradition, I pull a nice 4# roast out of the freezer a few days back for a sit down...
  12. Jeremy Calow

    Checking back in from Calgary

    Hey folks, its been a while since I last logged in and posted here, but I am back I think. Some changes in the life department with a new addition to the family who's already full blown into bbq'd meat. Just need her to get old enough to start helping ha..
  13. Jeremy Calow

    A terrible happening

    Terrible news has struck Calgary. We are under a "level three" fire ban due to the really dry conditions. What this means is my smoke day may be cancelled. We need some rain, and the forecast looks good but its tough to have such beautiful weather and not be allowed to fire up the girls.
  14. Jeremy Calow

    The Beef Bacon experiment

    So a few days back, I was wandering through my local asian market looking for some beef heart to make some pastrami, and found a delightful selection of flank slabs. Looked kinda like pork belly, felt kinda like pork belly, so I figured what the heck, lets make some beef bacon. Bought a single...
  15. Jeremy Calow

    2 Quick meals, with new Lighting!

    So I know Jim isn't gonna like this post cause there are not "action shots" but I was working on getting a new lighting setup for my food - photography wise. So here are 2 cooks from this past weekend in the snow.. First is a dry aged striploin off the kettle w/ some goose fat fried mushrooms...
  16. Jeremy Calow

    Recent cook

    With the wife working up north, I haven't been compelled to do any cooking which is totally uncalled for :). SO I decided to invite my cousin and his wife over for a little meal. Found out their dietary restrictions were not originally planned for - but luckily was able to recover quickly and...
  17. Jeremy Calow

    Question on hanging items to be smoked in the WSM

    Howdy folks, I am trying to get some ideas on the best way to hang some goose breasts in my WSM for slow smoking. I think I might leave the top rack in, and add the water dish (dry w/ foil) and hang them breasts down the centre, but not sure if that's the best/most efficient way or not.. Any...
  18. Jeremy Calow

    Christmas Bird in Calgary

    So I was tasked with making a Christmas Eve bird this year for my wife, her brother and his girlfriend... Seems simple enough. Pulled a 14 lbs bird out of the freezer early friday to thaw out. No brine, just seasoned outside with my go to poultry spice blend. Here is Suzie (my smoker ;) )...
  19. Jeremy Calow

    Calow's Grey Cup party

    Well my Stampeders were in this past weekends Grey Cup, alas we didn't win, but the little party I threw kinda made up for it.. With the wife working up in the north I invited a handful of friends over for some smoked meat, a beer tasting and well the game.. First up was some cornbread muffins...
  20. Jeremy Calow

    A Formal Apology (Pic heavy)

    Howdy folks, I realize I have been absent for a very long time, and for that I apologize. I left my old job in July and started with another company which sent me on a trip partway around the world. Upon my arrival back to Calgary I found out that all of my beloved websites that I used to...

