Search results

  1. J

    Membrane on Pork Ribs - thick vs thin

    i keep getting different racks of ribs for different suppliers, sometimes the membrane is thick and sometimes its thin does this mean anything - fresh or not? and will the ribs with the thinner membrane be cooked faster? i havent been able to keep track because i am mixing suppliers and doing...
  2. J

    what do u use for LIGHT

    the sun is going down at 8pm now in toronto and i tend to finish my cooking sometimes late as 11pm. i cannot do the Rib Pull Test and still hold a flashlight. too many bugs so wife wont even come out to hold it. (now no jokes about this line) what do u guys doo if this was answered before i...
  3. J

    Beer Butt Chicken - Does it really work???

    i am new so gave it a try with a twist Tandoori Beer Butt Chicken spent $2.50cnd(like 50cents usd LOL) on a can of fine english STOUT Dranks Half followed the instructions the Indian Tandoori came out AMAZING RED - should have taken pictures sister in law said - most moist chicken she had ever...

