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  1. T

    Sorry to see this apparently fade away.

    The HeaterMeter I have is doing the best job possible with my Kamado Joe and has been doing it for a long time now. It sure deserves more attention than it gets. In fact. it works better than my FireBoard Drive system (which I don't even bother to use). Anyway, just my thoughts and I wanted...
  2. T

    Pit Reading 400°F + when plugged in. K-Thermocouple

    Title says it all. Started a cook this morning and when I plugged in the thermocouple to put it in the Kamado it had readings of 400°F to 415°F oscillating in that approximate range and would never change. Before it was ever heated in the Kamado... just sitting on the table. So... I thought...
  3. T

    No HeaterMeter found at your site

    Getting that when I hook up my HeaterMeter. It worked last cook. Not sure how to proceed? Tom
  4. T

    Basic Info Help Needed

    Can someone explain the questions I annotated on this image? Thanks, Tom
  5. T

    Compatible Probes

    Are these probes compatible with the current probes included in the software? Tom
  6. T

    Updating to latest Snapshot

    I posted this in another thread but it was maybe not the right one as it got no response. I downloaded the latest Snapshot. My Heatermeter is currently running a cook. I saw the "AVR Firmware" tab on the "config, home, etc." screen. When I open it, it asks if I want to "Update" using one of...
  7. T

    Fan On Setting

    I am really slow about understanding the settings on the "Configuration" page. My setup is fine and working like a champ out of the box so to speak with my Kamado Joe Classic II.. But what I want to do is have the fan come on ONLY after the servo opens the vent to about 75%... then have full...
  8. T

    Houston, we have a problem.

    Downloaded the img software for my Pi Zero with header from Used the recommended img writing software to write the img to a 32gb SD card. Put the card in the Pi reader slot. Applied power. And this is what I got... Any suggestions? Tom PS: Says I can't post...
  9. T

    Thermocouple Choice

    Is this thermocouple an acceptable choice for the grate probe? There is this alligator version too: Tom
  10. T

    Which Raspberry Pi of these two should I get?

    Title says it all. Here are the two I am looking at Raspberry Pi 3. Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Both come with 2.5 amp power supplies. This Pi will only be used for the Heatermeter...
  11. T

    HeaterMeter Gurus Wanted

    Hello guys, Long time BBQ/Griller (50 plus years) and Weber owner. But now I have a Kamado Joe Classic II as well as my old Performer and I'm also thinking of a Smoky Mountain or stand-up smoker. And I'm looking for a temperature controller. It needs to be flexible enough to be able to be...

