Search results

  1. D

    Bar-b-kettle novelty grill

    Does anyone have one of these? If you do, I'm just curious what it's made of? For instance, similar to the kettles, steel with an enamel coating? Or cheaper and less durable, e.g., thin-painted plastic, aluminum? Does it have two...
  2. D

    Grilling with firewood - effects to grill over time?

    Hey guys - wondering if anyone here can attest to the effects over time of burning a firewood, such as oak, in their kettles? By "using a firewood" I mean as the primary fuel, i.e. as opposed to charcoal, not soaked and added to the coal pile for flavoring...and by "effects" I mean damage to...
  3. D

    My 26" kettle island

    Hello all - longtime Weber fan but new to the forum. Thought I'd share a picture of my current rig: My 26er It's still a build in progress actually, though I have been using it for a year now. The new SS trim along the bottom is just mocked up in this pic, it's going in soon enough as...

