Search results

  1. Troy O

    Added a Cold Smoker and stuff to my 18.5" WSM. "Chooga" is born!

    A little while back I posted here asking if anybody used a Smoke Daddy cold smoker with their WSM, and Carlton Wilson responded with good advice and real world experience. His comment about placement concerned me a bit about the cold smoker being on the lower side of the middle section, and it...
  2. Troy O

    Anybody use a Smoke Daddy Cold Smoker?

    Howdy folks, I just purchased an 8" Smoke Daddy Cold Smoker to slap on my 18.5 and I would like some advice on mods please. Click for reference I'm just wondering if there's something anybody has done that helped in one way or another. I haven't installed it yet, I'm still admiring it from my...
  3. Troy O

    Noob, 1st Smoke Running Hot, Questions

    Got a 7.6 lb brisket on, 19 degrees at 4:50 MDT this morning. Used MM with 30 coals lit to start, temp at grill sustained high 280's with bottom vents 25% open. Stuck probe into meat, reads 200. Question... When should I take this out? I've never had a brisket done at these high temps, I'm...

