Search results

  1. K

    UDS vs. 22.5" Kettle - what do you use?

    I built a UDS several years ago. It's what I learned to BBQ on. After grilling for many, many years (gas mainly with some charcoal mixed in occassionally) I decided to learn the difference and found instructions on building a UDS online...which led me to learning about how to really BBQ...
  2. K

    Can't find a date code/letter on my kettle

    I got this old kettle but I can't find a date code. It has the 3 daisy vents in the bottom. It (at one time) had wooden handles but they deteriorated off. I can't see any date code letters on the vent as suggested. There ARE letters on the vent, but I don't think they are date code letters...
  3. K

    Want to save this old Kettle - bad finish...what to do?

    I plan to save an older model Weber. I guess it's from the 80s, but that's really just a wild guess. I have no idea. As you can see...she's an older model and has certainly been used (prob slightly abused), but she is still structurally sound. Not a lot of dents or any real rust except...

