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  1. S

    Cooking pork butt for pot luck at work

    We are having a potluck at work next friday and I want to cook a pork butt. The problem is I will not have access to anything to reheat the meat before serving so I am going to need to keep it hot from the time it comes off the cooker until pulling and serving. Here is what I am thinking: I...
  2. S

    Fattie and what else?

    I'm going to do a small smoke this afternoon and need some suggestions for what else I should do. I'm going to do a fattie with some sharp cheddar, jack, onions and peppers, maybe some bacon. What else should I do? Any suggestions for something easy/tasty?
  3. S

    dark sausages?

    I've been cooking in my wsm for a little while now. Most of the stuff I have cooked has come out pretty dark, but after reading some in the foums I see that this is pretty normal due to the sugars in the rubs. I did some sausages on the wsm this past weekend though, and they also came out very...
  4. S

    brisket question

    Hello all, I've been lurking on the forums for a while and have gotten tons of great information and have had many successful cooks on my wsm. I am cooking my first brisket right now and have a question. It started as a 12 lb packer and has been on just short of 18 hours at this point. The...

