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  1. P

    Smoke Day in Texas started last night

    Fired up the WSM last night at about 9:30pm. Trying the Mr Brown pork butt. Never done it. Things are going well so far. Not planning on mopping. Hope it turns out just as good. Does anyone have experience with Mr Brown ?
  2. P

    Smoke Day Started Last Night

    Smoke Day for me started last night. Got a 12 USDA Choice at Albertsons for $1.47. It went on at 10:30 last night.... Been monitoring and getting close to target temp. Had a weird stall pattern on this brisket...stalled at 190 and went down a few degrees and sat for about 4 hours. Never had...
  3. P

    Smoking in aluminum pans

    Hello ! I have had my WSM about 10 years and love it!! What I don't love is the cleanup. I dislike cleaning the grates the most. When watching BBQ Pitmasters I noticed that many of the pros put their meats in aluminum pans. This would eliminate the grate clean up. Has anyone tried this on...
  4. P

    WSM SD 2014 Festivities have begun

    Smoker fired and coming to temp (Yes I know it needs a good cleaning) Ribs ready to go on..... Chicken and bacon wrapped stuffed poppers to follow.
  5. P

    WSM Smoke Day Success - Cornell Chicken

    Tried the Cornell Chicken and it was a success. I did a slight variation and used Lawry's poultry rub instead. Had a little trouble with high heat in the smoker but I got it tamed and everything turned out great !
  6. P

    Who else ordered T-Shirts? Mine came today

    Post your picture sporting your WSM 2013 shirt. Planning my menu now to include some smoked chicken.

