Search results

  1. W

    making the grill airtight

    I've heard of people using silicone plus a rope or Nomex-type (hi-temp) gasket to help with air leaks. Never heard of just sealant alone. Might try rotating the lid while cooking to see if there is a "sweet spot" that gives you a near-airtight fit. Though it's usually manufactured round...
  2. W

    For people whom bought their WSM used.. How much did you pay?

    Actually you should feel guilty and somewhat ashamed for that absolute highway robbery you just pulled off. :rolleyes: Just kidding (obviously). Great score............I think everybody on the board is envious. :cool:
  3. W

    Weber Jumbo Joe 22" Premium Charcoal Grill

    Will be interesting to see if someone in 'The States' actually takes delivery of one of these.....and whether or not this is a test, a fluke (by WalMart) or the beginning of more things to come.
  4. W

    WSM wanted in Tampa Bay area

    LOL....I think he meant Santa. :)
  5. W

    Early Christmas Present

    Nice rig there fella. A brisket and pork butt would be very happy on it! :cool:
  6. W

    New Copper OTG, $100, Fayetteville GA
  7. W

    26 vs 22?

    If you're cost conscious and want to ease into this, then scour your local Craigslist for a cheap 22.5 used One Touch Silver grill.......$50 or less...see if that works for you. If you find it too "small" for most of your needs, then get the 26. I have both and find the 22.5 is plenty for most...
  8. W

    Performer - new vs. used, or should I?

    Jeff, Come on - you've been here for awhile now......and your pictures prove you're full-fledged "Dug In" to Weber products like the rest of us. Is ANY OF THIS really about need..???? :cool: Look in my tagline at my cooker list. I've used my large BGE twice in 2 years, my 26.75 once in 2...
  9. W

    18.5 WSM, $135, East Cobb (north Metro Atlanta), GA

    Yeah it is. I've been holding myself back from jumping on it myself. And I already have an 18.5 I bought a couple of months ago that I haven't used at all.
  10. W

    18.5 WSM, $135, East Cobb (north Metro Atlanta), GA

    This may be Lew's (?). Clean WSM, looks like brand new, and a great deal at $135. Also has a blue Mastertouch for $75.:cool:
  11. W

    Where can I buy a 26.75 OTG????

    My local Home Depot has a couple. Got them "clearance priced" (yellow tagged) at $264. Stock may be hit or miss depending on location.
  12. W

    My 26 lid is off round: Help.

    Enrico, Try rotating the lid on the kettle to see if you can find a "sweet spot" where there's a tight fit. Both my 26.75 kettle and WSM have the same issue, depending on where the lid is seated. A quick spin and within seconds the fit is hand-in-glove.
  13. W

    Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker - $140 (Simsbury, CT)

    Wow - talk about no pride of ownership! Looks like she was rode REALLY hard and put away DIRTY. I'd start at half price and work up from there, just because of the condition. Good grief!
  14. W

    First time using my 18, cooked a turkey on Turkey Day!

    Wow - looks really good. Great first cook! :cool:
  15. W

    Looking for WSM 22.5 in Houston

    If he's willing to pay full retail ($399), then you might as well have him purchase from Amazon through a TVWBB link (see below). That way a couple of good things happen: 1. This site gets a piece of the pie, helping it to stay up and going. 2. He can get free shipping directly to his home...
  16. W

    Wanted; WSM Legs

    Shaun you probably are already aware of this, but if you don't get a set at a good deal here e-Replacements sells the 18.5 WSM legs for $6.41 each, or just under 20 bucks for a set of 3. Economy Rate shipping to my GA zip code was $4.95, so for me I would be looking at $24.18 total. Just...
  17. W

    18.5 wsm $120 Huntington Beach

    Ya really. That was a great price.
  18. W

    My eBay deal - 99 Performer Red Head!!

    First thing you should do is clean it down to the bare finish - to see JUST how far deep the metal is corroded - if at all. A quick peek underneath the bowl would be the quick way to see how much damage has been done. If it's rusty to the point where the blades won't seal the opening your only...
  19. W

    $139.00 For an open box blue OTG, floor model.

    Personally I don't see it as that great of a deal. Ten bucks less than new. Blues aren't THAT hard to find......I see them for sale on eBay quite often.
  20. W

    Nice Master-Touch in Las Vegas, Green, $65

    Greg - that's a no-brainer right there. Get that...........yep, even though you got the other one! ;)

