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  1. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

  2. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

    I do what the voices in my wife’s head tell me to do
  3. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

  4. Phil Perrin

    Thank You Veterans!

    Here’s a young, and MUCH slimmer, Phil at Fort Knox for basic training summer 1980 They were making the trainees do push ups for smiling, that’s why I had the serious look! 😂
  5. Phil Perrin

    Thank You Veterans!

    Thank you to all of my fellow veterans out there and on this fine forum! 🇺🇸
  6. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

  7. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

  8. Phil Perrin


    That's beautiful! Pammi's been making sourdough for about a year. The first few loaves wee ok, but she's gotten much better! Besides bread, she makes tortillas, pasta, biscuits, cinnamon rolls, pizza dough and she made some chocolate chip cookies while we wee in Asheville last week!
  9. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

  10. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

    I personally was responsible for one of those "## days since our last OSHA recordable accidents" clock/timer!
  11. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

  12. Phil Perrin

    Kitchen knife replacement thoughts

    A friend of ours bought a Henkels knife set with block on sale from Target. Pretty sure that it wasn't the professional series 😂 We went and looked at the same set, but it wasn't on sale at that particular store Pammi and I got to talking about knives. We have a set of Chicago Cutlery that I...
  13. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

  14. Phil Perrin

    Random thoughts/Off topic/Last post wins

    So, we just got back from the western area of NC, volunteering for hurricane relief. Pammi helped out at a school and I was at a large church helping sort donations. But we had some issues with the campgrounds we were staying at! I had made a reservation for a campground just west of Asheville...
  15. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

  16. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

  17. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

  18. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

  19. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

  20. Phil Perrin

    The Humor Thread

