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  1. J D McGee

    Waygu Chuck Roast

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Steve Hilmer: Here is the final report. I went to 194 internal. I let it rest for 1 hour. My knife went thru nice and easy. I sliced it into 1 by 2...
  2. J D McGee

    If they didn't make the WSM, what would you buy?

    Nothing...I'd make a couple more of these...
  3. J D McGee

    SJP Mod Complete

    Only when I'm grilling 350 degrees and lower...
  4. J D McGee

    cabernet sauvignon picks *****

    One of our favorites and consistent "Wine Spectator" best buys is "Columbia Crest" Grand Estates. It's less than 10.00 per bottle and scores in the high 80's to low 90's
  5. J D McGee

    New Tel-Tru and My Mobile WSM

    Great lookin' mods Toby. I've been tossing the dolly idea around myself...I like your solution.
  6. J D McGee

    Keri's Hog-Apple Baked Beans

    Hi Kerry, I'm going to try your recipe this weekend for the first time. I've heard rave reviews about them on this board and others. I'm looking forward to it.
  7. J D McGee

    Use a turkey roasting rack for a rib rack

    I can relate...
  8. J D McGee

    What Stem Length for my Tel-Tru Thermometer

    Check these out... Hope they help...
  9. J D McGee

    Who would you like to BBQ with? *****

    J.D. McGee - Based on J.D's posts (and pictures) I think he and I have similar taste in food, wine and scotch, it would be an interesting cook. WOW!...Thanks Larry! I'm downright flattered. Any time bro...any time!
  10. J D McGee

    Who would you like to BBQ with? *****

    Hey Steve...anytime you want to shoot up to Duvall we can fire up a WSM or two. Konrad is just down the hill and we can pop in to say hi. I could probably get Brian (Swamprb) over as well...
  11. J D McGee

    SJP Mod Complete

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Lee James: I just ordered the parts to do this mod. Thanks for the great demo. </div></BLOCKQUOTE> Have fun Lee. If you have any questions feel free...
  12. J D McGee

    SJP Mod Complete

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jeff S: JD, Very interesting. Question, hoe do you remove the ash from the pan? Do you shake it off or do you unbolt the pan from the bottom...
  13. J D McGee

    SJP Mod Complete

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by LarryR: Pimp my SJP! well done JD! BTW, how's the Big Green Egg treating you? </div></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Larry...The BGE was sold last just...
  14. J D McGee

    SJP Mod Complete

    Here it is latest mod to alleviate the air flow problems to my Smokey Joe Platinum. All parts were ordered for an 18 1/2 inch Silver One Touch Kettle.
  15. J D McGee

    Tel-Tru BQ300 Thermometer Installation

    Hi guys...I've noticed on several occasions that my dome temp is 20-25 degrees hotter than my grate starting out. They tend to get closer to each other after a few hours...getting as close as 5 degrees or so apart.
  16. J D McGee

    easiest way to go waterless

    I'm kinda partial to the flower pot mod myself...great temp control.
  17. J D McGee

    WSM Tel-Tru Mod II

    I prefer this method as opposed to the previous. The thermometer stuck out too much and made it difficult to put the cover on. I got the thermo from Tel-Tru. They sell an installation kit that has a washer so you won't have to tap the hole...just drill it large enough for the thermo to fit...
  18. J D McGee

    WSM Tel-Tru Mod II

    Hi folks...I just finished installing my second Tel-Tru in to my new WSM. I used a #4 uni-bit and drilled a 3/4 hole. I then used a 1/2 inch NPT and ran it down until I got the correct dial orientation...easy peasy. I now have twin WSM's waiting for the summer competitions.
  19. J D McGee

    Tel-Tru BQ300 Thermometer Installation

    Are you saying that you are going to tap a hole into the lid? Sounds like a good idea but I'm wondering how many threads you will have since the material is very thin. Has anyone tried tapping a hole into their lid? </div></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes...I used a 1/2 inch pipe tap. You'll only get a thread...
  20. J D McGee


    Just ordered an ash catcher and damper blades to mod my SJP. I told the sales person they were for a 18 1/2 Silver Kettle. $25.64 out the door including shipping. Will post pics of the mod when completed.

