Search results

  1. W

    Cast iron grill grates for the big 26"

    There are a number of options for the 22, but haven't seen anything cast iron for the 26.75 but the Craycort. I have them for mine, and they're well worth the investment if you ask me. I had the Stok for my 22.5 Bar-B-Kettle and they were OK. I actually prefer the 2-piece Charbroil set to the...
  2. W

    18.5 vs. 22.5 I know its an old question but

    Being that this would be your first WSM......AND you won't routinely be cooking for large groups of people, I concur with Sam's statements 100%. I've owned multiple (at least 3) 22.5 WSMs and even more 18.5s. Got rid of the 22.5s, I still have an 18.5.
  3. W

    How to safely start a chimney for my 18" on a new deck

    How about using Weber starter cubes, and starting the chimney in the base of the WSM itself (with the charcoal grate in place of course)? Travel distance? = 0 inches. :)
  4. W

    2nd WSM - 18.5" or 14"?

    Right, the OTG is in his auto-signature.
  5. W

    2nd WSM - 18.5" or 14"?

    Given the fact that you also have a 22" One Touch Gold, I think the 18.5 WSM makes more practical sense for you. The OTG can be your go-to rig for 1-2 people, while the 18.5 WSM can adequately cover the higher end of your cooking needs (3-4 people). I have, on many occasions, smoked 3...
  6. W

    A new variation on the "Sand in the water pan" bit?

    What Don said: Therefore sand will never get in your food - I learned this lesson the hard way. Also while sand is a good, reliable heat sink, it can be relatively heavy and add more weight to your smoker than water. And if your fire gets out of control - i.e. too many coals light - sand...
  7. W

    New WSM 57cm Enamel Thickness

    Yeah but no matter the case, NO ONE considers a scratched WEBER product acceptable after one day of ownership. I can only wonder if it arrived like that? I would hope that would be the case, as it would be a bad sign of quality (or best case an isolated incident) if the finish could be...
  8. W

    Found this GEM on CL this morning

    Bob You've been around here for awhile so I'm pretty sure you're aware of just how hated/envied you are right about now! :mad: Just kidding buddy! GREAT score. You should be very proud! :cool: Try steel wooling the heck out of the ash pan. Should come out sparkling clean.
  9. W

    22 inch calling to me

    I've had both sizes on multiple occasions (3 - 22.5 WSMs, and at least 5 18.5s not including the one I have now). You've chosen the 22.5 and really can never go wrong buying to the adage of "extra capacity when you need it". But for me, I cooked on each of the first two 22.5s once in the...
  10. W

    Which used Performer Platinum would you buy?

    Well looks like the one in Ventura County is now off the market, so between the two your options have been halved. Better hurry if you want to catch the one left (or wait for the next one - there WILL be others).
  11. W

    CL Find

    It was a Weber side table/shelf. It was talked about a bit when the post hit CL here (since has been deleted) ---> Congrats on the new find.
  12. W

    A guy got a ton of Weber grills for his wedding in Kansas City...

    We'll only be at 18 yrs this year, but I'll take an offer of generosity too. :)
  13. W

    Performer as a a gas grill

    Unless you were doing 10 min cooks, you would need a 20 pound LP tank. And, like Greg said, there's the problem of heat biuldup and distribution with the tiny flame and, at a minimum, you'd have to jury-rig up somethiing to use as a flame block/flavorizer bar. It's not designed to be a gas...
  14. W

    Homer Simpson 10th anniversary 22.5 New in box on E-bay

    Especially given that Weber has in recent years, either through market demands or coincidence, reintroduced some of the old discontinued models that have fetch outrageous $$$. Before the reintroduction of the 14.5 WSM in 2013 people were paying hundreds of dollars for these WSMs...
  15. W

    Weber grills on clearance at Walmart.

    Probably making room for the newer series kettles and Q's. HD has been doing the same for months now (with most of the good stuff long gone).
  16. W

    Home Depot has select Weber accessories 75% off.

    Just scored the same deal - $3.83, for the last set they had. They'd been moved from the clearance area back to the shelf with regular stock items. About a month ago I got a couple sets from the same Home Depot for 7-something a set. I don't need any, as the other two sets are still in the...
  17. W

    What to do?

    What Dave from Denver said. But use something for cushioning under the pliers (clean rag, towel, etc.). That looks to be fairly minor damage, relatively speaking, that won't have much impact on chamber seal.
  18. W

    Lime Green Performer - Oakland CA

    No that is the Crate and Barrel green. I had one of the older models exactly like this, sold it and now have a "newer" one. Same color. Little pricey at 200 bucks.....think I paid 70 or 75 for mine. Newer style table and in better shape. But I guess it was a good enough deal for...
  19. W

    What's a good way to raise the charcoal grate

    Spend 15 bucks and get the Weber charcoal baskets (the old Weber part # was 7403 - not sure of the new). A fully loaded (slighly overloaded) pair of charbaskets puts the coals right up to grate level and gives a fairly large searing area. Works extremely well - no need to jury-rig anything...

