Search results

  1. W

    Performer combination

    Generally they don't. You just came across a couple of unbelievable deals, and I'm glad you were able to capitalize on them. That said, if you see more like this in your area...let me know what part of the country you're in and I'll figure out a way to get there and nab some myself. ;)
  2. W

    Jumbo joe with WSM 1.8 middle section

    Just keep in mind that you'll be limited in what you can cook on the upper rack due to the lower profile of the JJ's lid.
  3. W

    Green Performer value

    I bet the high bidder laughed all the way home. At the winning price I know I would.
  4. W

    Green Performer value

    It's obviously been left outside in the elements; on the other hand it appears to have been well taken care of. If *everything* works (gas assist, ash sweepers) and that's not rust on the lid..........and if the ash catcher support bar is solid, I'd be willing to go up to $100 as Green SSPs in...
  5. W

    Places to buy 18.5" WSM cooking grates?

    In a budget crunch you can use the 22.5 inch kettle charcoal grate for the lower cooking grate. It's 15 bucks at the Home Depot stores in my area and is a perfect fit.
  6. W

    puled pork sandwiches

    What everyone else has said..............hickory for pork butt. Tried and true combination. Apple is GREAT for wings and fine for other smaller pieces of poultry.
  7. W

    22" WSM Looks new, $175.00... Orange County Craigs list....Not Mine

    Sure's gone! :cool:
  8. W


    The setup you show is my go-to setup for 95% of my outdoor cooking needs. Sorry to hear about it being stolen.
  9. W

    Stepping up

    The MasterTouch is my go-to grill for 90% of my cooks, despite having the option of both 22 and 18 WSMs. I use a slow N sear, raised second grate, and Weber 7413 side table with the MasterTouch. For me it's the ultimate setup...........easy to transport, long cook times if needed (or quick hot...
  10. W's your chance

    You do that, and she might make SURE the part in bold comes true...............! :eek: (lol)
  11. W's your chance

    Weber Summit Charcoal Grilling Center in Marietta. $1k
  12. W

    Vintage Weber Grill - $175

    Apparently *somebody* wanted it. It's gone!! :cool:
  13. W

    Bait and Switch!!!!

    You mean, THAT’S NOT THE GRILL ON THE BOX.......?!?!?!?!?!? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  14. W

    No Longer Needed. 18.5 WSM Lid and bottom section.

    Corey. Curious as to the price for both parts. Thanks.
  15. W

    22.5" stock lid thermometer stays at 125 degrees

    No way to calibrate the stock therm, so it's toast. They're pretty cheap so order away........... :)
  16. W

    This guy's gotta be smoking something. And I'm not talking about pork butt...

    Apparently "aim for the stars, hit the sun/moon" is in full effect.
  17. W

    Hello from Atlanta

    Welcome.................I'm west of you in Douglas County GA. Pics please, and we can help identify your grill(s).
  18. W

    18” WSM $100. Charlotte, NC

  19. W

    Want to trade for a 22” WSM for a 26” kettle?

    I trust you mean new LID, and not “kid” ;) Where are you located?

