Search results

  1. THyde

    Weber Genesis Gold C (00-01)

    You can just zip tie the plastic bug screen on. They are made of plastic, so there is no reason why a zip tie, also plastic, would be a problem. It doesn't get super hot there.
  2. THyde

    Could Not Resist

    I like to post up on my very old thread because this grill was a real rescue. Picked it up for $25 7 years ago, and it is living its best life! There are some ups and downs, the oak was maybe not the very best choice, but now that it is completely dried out I think it should stay pretty much...
  3. THyde

    Steak crust without “Sharpie” grill lines

    I am so grateful that everybody so freely shares true grill master techniques!
  4. THyde

    Genesis Platinum C

    I like the bottom shelf a lot! What is that, Trex?
  5. THyde

    Genesis Platinum C

    I hereby declare that grill: Awesome!
  6. THyde

    Steak crust without “Sharpie” grill lines

    I have not heard that song in thirty years!
  7. THyde

    Free silver c parts

    Oh, man! I hope nobody got hurt, and I hope that the gasser was the only casualty!
  8. THyde

    I will just leave this here

    Here is a rare, actually rehabbed 1000 available kind of near me. I hope they get $275 for it.
  9. THyde

    Questions about my Summit 650 resto

    OK, I stand corrected! I was just thinking and trying to help. Carry on! (I know nothing about Summits)
  10. THyde

    Questions about my Summit 650 resto

    I may be coming completely out of left field, but with no tank gauge and the high flames on the side burner, I'm wondering whether that puppy is set up for propane or natural gas? If you have a NG grill and are running propane, that would explain both. Do you know the original fuel type for...
  11. THyde

    Steak crust without “Sharpie” grill lines

    I remember the commercials in the 80s where he'd say "I'll paint any car for ninney nine ninney five!" At least that's what I remember ..
  12. THyde

    Weber Genesis Gold C (00-01)

    You can also get the brake lube in what looks like an oversized toothpaste tube. As long as you don’t lose the tube you are good for years, even if you do your own brakes too.
  13. THyde

    Genesis II Stainless Hood Discolor Fix?

    Nice shine barkeep!
  14. THyde

    Steak crust without “Sharpie” grill lines

    First flip should be when the sear is thorough enough to where the protein (any meat) is not stuck to the grates. After that it’s all preference. You get crisp cross hatches with one flip and one 90 degree rotation per side, you can Carmelize more evenly with more flipping. Funny, autocorrect...
  15. THyde

    Steak crust without “Sharpie” grill lines

    I like looking at (and making) cross hatches, but eating anything cooked correct.
  16. THyde

    Weber Genesis Gold C (00-01)

  17. THyde

    Weber Genesis Gold C (00-01)

    Looks great! Did you avoid sanding? The outside of my cook box got about that much paint several years ago and it holds up well. Mine just needs a good cleaning. You should be all set!

