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  1. G

    Sorry to see this apparently fade away.

    Tom, your correct about the Heatermeter being the best controller out there. Being able to control with a blower and a damper make this the ultimate control. Using the Pi for the smart portion is not found anywhere else from what I can see. There are lots of users and many creative users that...
  2. G


    I saw those as well and did print that damper. These files are small enough so my local library can print them for me. Have done a couple of cooks, it looks like this damper as well as yours, Tom Koles works well. Again, I will say to do some cooks without the heater meter to see where you set...
  3. G


    Want to add one more thing about these files. I have personally printed the Tom Kole damper from these files. I have not printed any of the RD3 files. No time right now and printers at library are down for a few weeks. Prior to printing anything that has not been downloaded from thing universe...
  4. G


    Maybe this is what you want. There is also a file for Tom Kole`s damper too. I currently use the Tom Kole damper. It works great for my small Prinojr ceramic grill. The RD3 looks like it`s based off the last Tom Kole design. Cooked 20lb bird Monday and the heatermeter performed perfectly as...
  5. G

    If you have noise issues, it may be the RPI or the connection to the RPI.

    Going to give it a go. Only need to add the inductor since the cap is already installed from pin 20 to ground. Will post if it works in a week or so. John, do you still print cases? Mine is showing what living in dry, hot climate does to cases. Getting a little wavey. I got one of Brians last...
  6. G

    If you have noise issues, it may be the RPI or the connection to the RPI.

    No problem. I have spent way too much time looking for noise source. I did read through the data packet for the 328 chip and on page 254, there is a power suggestion that makes sense to me on how to get rid of noise. When I was working as a tech, one of the golden rules was never feed the ADC...
  7. G

    If you have noise issues, it may be the RPI or the connection to the RPI.

    Can you post a picture where you were touching? The thermocouple unit I have has always had noise. Brian spent a lot of time trying different things as well as myself. I would mess with thermocouple circuit if I had a great SMD soldering station. There are some combinations of resistors I would...
  8. G

    .stl files for roto damper and older HeaterMeter case

    Just to made things clear, the files provided by Jeff are a damper design provided to the site by Tom Kole. It is Tom`s V2 and it works very well. I use it on a Primo Jr. grill. From what I can see Nathan`s files are the RD3 damper designed by Ralph. Make sure you print a damper that is not...
  9. G

    No Communication / No HeaterMeter Board

    I have run into this when my sd card started to fail. I stay away from the high-speed cards also because for the price, they are not going to make the Pi 3 run any better. Also make sure your power supply is stable and providing clean, low ripple 12 vdc. Last, I use a power supply rated for...
  10. G

    K Type is a terrible design. Anyone else?

    Agree with Ralph. Keep the Thermocouple. Thermocouples have less noise and are way more robust than an rtd. I have used my own homemade Kapton coated thermocouples for 5 years and never had one fail. Kapton holds up well as long as it's not hit with direct flame which never happens with my...
  11. G

    Port dam forwarding, lol

    Felt your pain once. I currently use an ASUS ax6000 with an ax88u hardwired as a mesh. I got tired of CenturyLink, in my case, of supplying crappy modem/Wi-Fi routers. I forgot to mention that I connect to CenturyLink using a draytek vigor 2866. CenturyLink claims that my draytek device isn`t...
  12. G

    3D Printed Barrel Servo/Fan

    here ya go. So nice not having to create a Google mining account to get the files you need. Hope you find what you need. I like Toms dampers on my Primo Jr. Grill. imo always try to size damper for grills cooking area. Large grills work better with let's say an adapt a damper. Small grills work...
  13. G

    3D Printed Barrel Servo/Fan

    I think I have what you're looking for. I am attaching 2 .zip`s. Hope these are what you need. I do have V1 files too.
  14. G


    The Roto Damper was never uploaded to git hub so you could download the print files and have someone print you one. You can get the Adapt-A-Damper print files off the web and then find a printer to print device. I would go that route. Heatermeter is still the best solution for ceramic cookers...
  15. G

    Troubleshooting HM hardware/PCB network issue

    Looks like to me from your pics that the issue is on the display boards. I would replace the driver chip on the display board. Make sure your push buttons smoothly click. If one is stuck on, that could be your problem. Check across switch terminals to make sure they are open or show at least...
  16. G

    Troubleshooting HM hardware/PCB network issue

    When checking power supply for ac, yes select ac and if you have a mv selection, select that. Anything over 300mv is an indicator supply is cheap or bad. Also make sure to use at least a 2 amp supply. I would also start over using original Pi. Hope you bought more than one ATMega chip . Install...
  17. G

    Troubleshooting HM hardware/PCB network issue

    Strange problems. They only question I have is, did you try a new tested good power supply that has a minimum of 2 amps. If your power supply develops high levels of noise, that can mess with the device. Check power supply with dmm set on ac and see if there are high levels of ac. Noise needs to...
  18. G

    IP Help

    I believe that's a hard coded ip address. Whenever I have to do a full-blown restoration of the device, format sd card, and install latest firmware, I always get the ethernet connection showing
  19. G

    New wireless router - no hm devices

    Sounds like the same issue I had with an ASUS router. Security is an issue for both EDGE and all new routers. Here what i did with my ASUS device. Make sure in Administration You have the " Local Access Config" setting setup. Authentication Method set to both. you must make sure the HTTP/HTTPS...
  20. G

    Blower is not working after years of function

    This might be a dumb question; do you have the latest HM and if you do, did you press the left button till the controls turned on?

