Search results

  1. W

    Scored 14.5" for $50

    Should be able to send that back to Weber for a warranty replacement.
  2. W

    Pork Butt vs Picnic

    Picnic seems more fatty vs the pork butt. And while the picnic usually costs less per pound, the huge Brontosaurus-sized bone adds a lot of weight that can't be consumed. So I prefer the butt (PORK, that is...:D).
  3. W

    How does food get "too much smoke"?

    What immediately comes to my mind are: 1. Too many wood chips/chunks. 2. Putting the meat on before the initial briquettes/lump/chunks have had a chance to settle in and get up to temp (charcoal and wood will often smoke excessively while temps are rising, and continue until stabilized). 3...
  4. W

    Can anybody ID this Weber grill?

    Not sure exactly what the color is called, but the boys over at the WKC (weberkettleclub) site will pay a pretty good for for her.
  5. W

    Weber Smokey Mountain 14.5" at Walmart for $100

    MUCH so the latter, Jim. MUCH so. :D
  6. W

    Weber Smokey Mountain 14.5" at Walmart for $100

    No thanks to you guys...................and this thread, I have yet another smoker/cooker that I don't need. Swung by a nearby Wal-Mart this afternoon, after leaving Academy Sport - buying something else I didn't need. Found one in a box that had gotten wet from being in the elements in the...
  7. W

    Which would you keep Brand new modded 18 vs used 22

    If you list both, then you should be prepared to sell both. You can't predict future usage 100%, but you should keep the one that you feel would get the most usage. Also the 22.5 will cover 100% of the 18.5's cooking capacity (and more, obviously), but the converse - the 18.5 covering 100% of...
  8. W

    18.5 WSM Charlotte - $70

    Either wrong link or it's sold.
  9. W

    Weber 22 1/2" Smokey Mountain Package Deal

    Heck of a good deal, given the mods to the WSM and extras (Foodsaver, etc.). If it were anywhere near ATL it would already be gone!
  10. W

    $49 performer grill

    It's a Platinum model, which is not quite a Performer - no gas assist, no coal bin - but looks to be in great shape. Good buy.
  11. W

    14.5 to 18.5 or 22??

    If money is no object, then depending on how many ribs you plan on cooking I say the 22.5. Generally speaking, always err to the side of largest you can afford. :cool:
  12. W

    Performer $75 Raleigh,NC

    ......and apparently he (or she) is open to offers. :)
  13. W

    New 22" WSM $200 in northern KY

    If there EVER was a no-brainer acquisition...........this is it!
  14. W

    Good Price on used 22.5" WSM?

    A great price would be anything under $200, but that's unlikely on a unit 2 years old in great shape. I've paid anywhere from $130 to $250 for the 3 22.5s I've had. I feel anything between $200 and $250 for a unit in top used condition (no deep scratches, no dents, cooking grates not rusted...
  15. W

    Dayton, OH Area Auction for The Ranch Charcoal Kettle Grill & 18 Smokey Mountain

    The WSM went for 51 dollars, and a brand new Ranch Kettle for 251.59....?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :eek:
  16. W

    Help deciding on kettle or akorn

    The Akorn is sort of a Green Egg/Bubba Keg hybrid, and while I do I have both those grills, I don't own an Akorn. *If* price weren't a factor I would recommend the newest iteration of the Bubba Keg, the Broil King Keg "5000". It's not much different from the original Bubba Keg I paid $299 for...
  17. W

    Walmart WSM and grills in Griffin, Ga. Clearance

    Dang! I just went through Griffin on Saturday! :mad:
  18. W

    Saw this on CL in Buckhead, only if I was closer. What a deal.

    The ad is still up and I assume both are still available. Seller may do better selling for scrap to a metal yard. Stainless may bring a bit more than standard steel. Frank - I finished high school in Pike in 1986, left in 1991, and haven't been back (to live). Usually back once a month to...
  19. W

    New Old Stock 1974 26" Red Weber....

    I can assure you Stephen's not going to disclose the price......but it's probably safe to say more than we paid for our last 5 grills combined.
  20. W

    Saw this on CL in Buckhead, only if I was closer. What a deal.

    Frank - I am relatively close, but that Weber looks pretty rough - too much work for me right now too, so I'll pass. But for two grills (if you have the time) you may be able to turn one (or both) into something nice. By the way I grew up 15 minutes north of Thomaston in the mega-city of...

