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  1. THyde

    The Humor Thread

    (there is a brilliant punchline sitting on a platter)
  2. THyde

    The Humor Thread

    My wife and I made a deal to quit smoking. We agreed to only smoke after making love. I’ve had the same pack since 1984 …
  3. THyde

    The Humor Thread

    I told him I keep wetting my pants. He told me to open my fly!
  4. THyde

    The Humor Thread

    Yes! One of his lesser known jokes, and a personal favorite!
  5. THyde

    The Humor Thread

    Name that comedian: I went to see a psychiatrist, and I told him I was really feeling like I was a dog. He told me to get off the couch!
  6. THyde

    Grill details needed

    Might be a Junior Larry, look at the stubby frame parts to the right of the cookbox.
  7. THyde

    Weber Genesis Gold C (00-01)

    Very nice work! I hope you enjoy that grill for many years!
  8. THyde

    2nd Chance for a True Weber Classic: A 1998 1st Generation Summit 450

    Food safe would be more important to me if it were ever going to be near the food, which it won't.
  9. THyde

    2nd Chance for a True Weber Classic: A 1998 1st Generation Summit 450

    If it's an open faced sandwich, then yes I would put the stainless on the inside. Since the rust is not totally, completely all the way through, again I'd still POR and hi temp paint it, and if you can RTV seal it up then the stainless will take the brunt of the heat from the inside, and the...
  10. THyde

    2nd Chance for a True Weber Classic: A 1998 1st Generation Summit 450

    Jon, even if the RTV doesn't hold the stainless panels on, you can always drill holes to mount them later. It's hard to un-drill a hole. But I think the RTV would hold, kind of like if you use a lot of small nails you end up with a firm connection. I'm just thinking here, if you have better...
  11. THyde

    2nd Chance for a True Weber Classic: A 1998 1st Generation Summit 450

    So maybe ... maybe make just two stainless panels, one for the inside and one for the outside, RTV all around the edges and around the holes, then clamp to the porcelain overnight to minimize edges and places for water to sit. I would clamp and cure one panel at a time so I could get it...
  12. THyde

    2nd Chance for a True Weber Classic: A 1998 1st Generation Summit 450

    Bruce, I think the RTV would be OK. I've had my emblem glued on to my lid with RTV for years without any problem. Plus, that part of the firebox probably doesn't get as hot as the top does. This would be an interesting experiment to do with one of those laser thermometers to see how hot that...
  13. THyde

    2nd Chance for a True Weber Classic: A 1998 1st Generation Summit 450

    Jon I have Zero experience with Summits, but being on this board I do see this exact issue over and again. I do like your idea for sandwiching the weak porcelain coated area with Stainless. Would you consider maybe running a bead of high temp RTV along the outline of the stainless panels, and...
  14. THyde

    Genesis Bottom Tray

    Whoops! Wrong surface!
  15. THyde

    Genesis Bottom Tray

    You could also make wood slat tables for down there. Like these:
  16. THyde

    Steak crust without “Sharpie” grill lines

    Now that is a nice looking piece. I can easily imagine what it tasted like.
  17. THyde

    2nd Chance for a True Weber Classic: A 1998 1st Generation Summit 450

    This is going to be like the Skyline project, only better! We're watching Jon, and for all of us who have converted from one fuel to another, we hope Larry loves it!
  18. THyde

    I will just leave this here

    So you don't take the "inside" grill outside for walks? To see the other grill?
  19. THyde

    I will just leave this here

    I can't tell which is which!

