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  1. TJMartin

    Boston Butt help

    Thanks for the replies, this was a good learning experience for me. I know now to start early in the morning and if I have to wrap it in foil and towels and put it a cooler till time to serve. Overall I think if came out good, I fell asleep from 12-1 and woke up with the internal temp of 194...
  2. TJMartin

    Boston Butt help

    I'm coming up on 11 hrs on a 5 1/2 lb butt, it's been very steady and slow from 183-187, was holding at 185 then dropped down to 184. Then was holding 187 for quite some time and now back down to 185. I'm afraid the colder night temperatures are killing the cook. Any suggestions? This is on a...
  3. TJMartin

    5 1/2 lb Boston butt

    Smoking my first ever Boston Butt, and I'm so pumped its my first cook on my mini. I had quite the stall on top of not getting it on early like I wanted to this morning. I'm going on three hrs now, it's at 185. I was going to foil it on the grill but I'm sticking it out now, 930 at night. Come...
  4. TJMartin

    Hello from NH

    My name is Trevor and I'm a charcoal grilling fanatic, got hooked back in May with a smokey joe, and shortly after that picked up a one touch platinum my love of my life. I am currently working on building a mini wsm, which I can or wait to use. I already have a rack of baby backs in the freezer...
  5. TJMartin

    Newb question on WSM mini

    Use a heat gun, they're cheap and it seriously takes the sticker off effortlessly. No soaking, no goo gone, none of that messy crap. I took mine off in one piece with no adhesive left.

