Search results

  1. R

    Pot-Chuck Roast w/veggies

    Not sure if the results were the same but they sure were tasty! These roasts ended up only weighing about 1.75 lbs each. So I decided to take a slightly different approach. I used Stogies rub on the meat and veggies. Cooked the roast directly on the grate at 325* for a half hour each side...
  2. R

    I'll pass on a recipe if it calls for (blank)!! *****

    I find rye bread offensive. So anything that tastes or smells even remotely close to that I shy away from. Same with the dill. You can only imagine how excited I am about the upcoming Holiday seasonal rye bread bowls full of dill dip. Yippee! Rick
  3. R

    Pot-Chuck Roast w/veggies

    Thanks Ken! I forgot about that one. Looks delicious. Anything that Stogie makes has to be good! Guess I should've said Yankee pot roast. New England makes the clam chowder. Schnuck's has CAB boneless chuck roasts on sale for $1.99 LB. Think my results will be the same as with a bone-in? Rick
  4. R

    Pot-Chuck Roast w/veggies

    Does anyone smoke pot roasts New England style? You know, the kind Mom used to make in the oven with a big pot (or bag) w/potatoes, onions, and carrots mixed in. Then topped with a nice gravy made from the drippings. Any recipes for the smoker that replicates that? Thanks for any suggestions...
  5. R

    Recommendation for a rub for smoked boneless, skinless turkey breast?

    I usually use a commercial poultry rub (Lawry's or the like) or a Cajun style rub if I want some heat. Very tasty! Beings it's enhanced you may want to go with a low/no salt version of these rubs. Rick
  6. R

    Large quantity of ribs question

    Heather, when it comes to "reasons I should get another grill/smoker" ... I like the way you think. Right down to the new truck! Sounds like a lot of us. If I took all of the smokers and grills (and trucks and trailers) I've purchased since my first WSM purchase in 2004 and listed them in my...
  7. R

    My First Brisket

    Great job Paul! Looks like it came out nice and juicy. Give yourself a pat on the back big guy. You done good. I noticed you did the whole cook with the fat side up ... right down to the slicing. Totally the opposite of what I do. Just goes to show ya, there's more than one way to skin a cat...
  8. R

    Ok guys help me out

    My pleasure Paul. As long as the wind doesn't kick up again tonight we should be alright tempwise. What you'll achieve is a quicker cook time and if done correctly, a juicier and more evenly cooked brisket. If not, you could end up with pot roast and a mushy bark. I'd go with the oak and...
  9. R

    Ok guys help me out

    Decide what way you want to cook it, fast or slow. Because i haven't perfected the high heat method as well as the slow cooks I'll tell you how I slow cook em. Trim your brisket. Don't go crazy with it, just trim the excessive amounts. I don't separate the point and the flat but I do trim out...
  10. R

    Freezing a Butt - Pull or not?

    Not to be doggin' out ol' Craig here ... but for safety's sake I do believe your meats need to be fully cooled before vac sealing.
  11. R

    WalMart Brisket

    Frank, burnt ends come from the point section of the brisket. Once your brisket gets done, separate the flat from the point (you can do this in advance like Larry did), let the point cook for another 2 hrs. Remove the point from the cooker, cut into 1" cubes, put into a foil pan and top with...
  12. R

    Favorite Fattie Recipe

    I was wonderin' what the heck you had in there! Thanks for sharing. We like to do fatties stuffed with cream cheese, pepperoni slices, and some Harry & David pepper and onion relish.
  13. R

    Any good BBQ places in Las Vegas?

    Here's a review on Paul Kirk's place. Righteous Urban Barbecue aka R.U.B. Being an Illinois boy I wouldn't count out Mike Mills place either. I'm sure it's good too.
  14. R

    Pit Minder question

    Yeah, what you said ... toggle on - toggle off - one speed. Like they said, close it to halfway and you'll be fine.
  15. R

    20 hour cook question

    The main reason I suggest a couple of handfuls worth at a time is so you don't smother out the fire you have, nor do you alter your cooking temp much. Once the coals you've added start firing up, 10 mins or so, then throw in a couple more handfuls worth. Repeat until you get the amount in there...
  16. R

    20 hour cook question

    Hi T. I'm guessing you're not planning on resting the meat at all? Which is fine. Why do you feel it will be a 20 hr cook? Just curious. So far as keeping the WSM going .... I would really load it up initially, MM start, using your pitminder you should get about 14+ hrs out of it. Once the...
  17. R

    Can you use two ET-7s?

    They certainly can cross signals. At least the ET-73's can. I know from personal experience. If I'm running multiple ET's I just don't use the receiver. Which of course means I gotta get my lazy butt off the couch to check temps. But at this point that's probably a good thing!
  18. R

    Transporting Q

    You should be fine. More so if the bags are frozen.
  19. R

    Stuborn Brisket, first Guru cook questions

    Made sense to me.

