Search results

  1. R

    Source for Wagyu brisket?

    Probably not cheaper. I figure my share of the gas money will still be cheaper than shipping for a few briskets. Easier? Yeah, but a roadtrip with the boys ain't all bad. Go to breakfast, cruise to a nice meat market (we'll be like kids in a candy store), have some lunch and head on back. All...
  2. R

    Source for Wagyu brisket?

    Well I figure if I'm going on an all day roadtrip, to a meat locker, with three other goofballs, I'm going to have to come home with more than one brisket. So yeah, I'll have to freeze one or two. So Kev, in your opinion ... once I cook a wagyu am I not going to want to go back to my plain ol'...
  3. R

    Source for Wagyu brisket?

    So far, Paradise seems to be my best bet. I'm not that concerned about getting some wagyu for comps. I would just like to try one out to compare the difference to what I normally get. If the wagyu stands out that much then I may consider using them in comps. A few of us local guys are...
  4. R

    Source for Wagyu brisket?

    Ya know Ryan, there's gotta be wholesaler somewhere around us that is within driving distance and that handles Waygu for a good/fair price. I mean geez, we live in Illinois. I can't go down the road without seeing a cow.
  5. R

    Burnt ends

    I do them pretty much the same way Larry does. Only differences are: I reseason the exposed area where I seperated the point/flat, I only cook the point for two hours before cubing it up, and I use a thinned out sauce for finishing. They're a big hit for sure!
  6. R

    Weber Ranch Kettle

    I think he means a Ranch kettle Jay.
  7. R

    Injection recipe for beef brisket?

    I guess if you're adapted to using injections and are confident with the results, then go for it. I'm not. I've tried other folks injected meats and some were awesome, others not so much. My injecting attempts go in the not so much category. So far as rubs go, we all know the end result when...
  8. R

    Injection recipe for beef brisket?

    I'm going to go with the flow here and suggest you don't inject. Especially if you haven't done it before. Injections are more of a competition thing. Rarely, if ever, will most cooks inject a non-comp brisket. That's just my opinion though and I've been wrong before. If, and when you decide...
  9. R

    First smoke last weekend. Some questions now.

    Just a guess, but you may have taken too long assembling your cooker and getting your water pan filled, then getting your chicken on and then finally getting the lid on. That'll really get it hot quick. Plus it depends on how many hot coals you started with. If find if I jostle the lump around...
  10. R

    Pork Butt - minimal rub method?

    Not sure about butts, but I did a "special" order of ribs for a guy who wanted no spices at all. Suprisingly, they were very good. They came out with a nice and tacky bark, almost like a glaze.
  11. R

    Out of the jar sauce

    I gotta go with Blues Hog! I bet you're shocked, huh? LOL
  12. R

    vertical smokers

    Hello Ed. I have several Fast Eddy cookers and a Backwoods competitor. Each have thier perks. I'd recommend either to anyone. Hope that helps.
  13. R

    Meat loaf! Yummmm

    It doesn't count if you don't post pics! I use the same HD foil method as Don. It doesn't hurt to get the meatloaf good and cold before you put it on.
  14. R

    Source for wood chunks?

    Hey Chuck, from what I gather they (Maine Grilling Woods) are not treating the wood with insecticides. They are heat treating it at 160* for 90 mins. Apparently that's the Federal guideline. Black cherry on brisket, huh? I may just give that a shot this weekend. Thanks for the suggestion!
  15. R

    Temp struggles

    More of a question than an answer. I thought with a DIGI Q that other than the single blower hole, all of the bottom vents were closed all the time?
  16. R

    Source for wood chunks?

    I just received a bulk box of black cherry chunks from Maine grilling woods. It has varying sizes ranging from a few large chips up to around 4" x 2" and 1.5" thick. Perfect for the WSM! Because of the availability of local wood for cheap I don't buy much wood online (I won a $50 coupon at a...
  17. R

    Lid probe temp issue?

    Well, well, look who's a Guru now. I know what you're saying about the rankings Jerry. My Karma rank is "Pro" ... yeah right! Pro BS'er maybe.
  18. R

    Gasser Chimney Starter

    I could see where these could come in handy at say a comp where you're packing light but need an easy way (besides newspaper) to start your coals. I'd use it just because it's a space saver. Plus I'm a toy guy. I loves me some toys! Especially when it's bbq related.
  19. R

    Are any subscribers actual butchers? -- PART II.

    Just curious, as stated in the above instructions ... wouldn't covering the meat with cloth towels inhibit the airflow and evaporation process? Or do the towels create a soak effect of sorts, soaking up the surface moisture? Maybe the towels are used to keep any excess humidity off of the meat...
  20. R

    Are any subscribers actual butchers? -- PART II.

    Whew! I'm glad you chimed in there Kevin. I showed this thread to my wife prior to you posting and she had me second guessing myself!

