Search results

  1. J

    Opinions of Smoke Level?

    I looked closely at this one (MB 1050) and ALMOST pulled the trigger. After looking at lots of different reviews it seems like the reviewer ended up replacing many different parts, had a few grease fires, but still really liked it and used it a lot. I just didn't want to deal with the...
  2. J

    Opinions of Smoke Level?

    I always thought the fly in the ointment to the SmokeDaddy deflector was adding wood. I know I would never take the food off during a cook, take the grates out and take the heat deflector off. BUT, I never used one so that may be an overly simplistic view of how it works. If CC patented the...
  3. J

    Opinions of Smoke Level?

    I really liked the CC innovation and I tried to get a XXL Pro from CC. The first one was damaged in shipping. The second one had defective welded hinges so the chamber door could not shut without leaving large gaps. I decided to stop trying my luck. I admit I wrote off the SF when it first...
  4. J

    Opinions of Smoke Level?

    Glitchy that's quite a compliment to the SF. It's amazing it has taken these pellet grill designers so long to innovate. It's almost like they kept copying each other over and over and over again. If the SF put too much smoke on a frozen pizza at 450 then it must be quite capable at lower temps.
  5. J

    Which Pellets Can I Use in SF?

    Good to know. Any idea who is making Cabela's now? I read that years ago it was thought to be LJ, but then supposedly Traeger started making Cabela's pellet grills. I've never used them before, but for the price and the recommendations I see they are at the top of my list. I can't get B&B...
  6. J

    Rule of Thumb for Drip Pans?

    Thanks - good advice. If you can just pop a drip pan under the grate, what was the Wet Smoke kit for?
  7. J

    Which Pellets Can I Use in SF?

    Great to hear. I like PB pellets too. You can't beat the price and I know my local Lowe's has them. I probably have at least one unopened 40lb bag of PB, maybe two. $5 a bag was a steal. I can't believe they left them out in the rain. I'm unable to find Weber or LJ around me anywhere...
  8. J

    Which Pellets Can I Use in SF?

    I read the FB FAQ and it says you can use any pellet brand. The Weber site FAQ says SF was designed for Weber pellets. In the early SF days it sounds like people tried to use Bear Mountain and then reported their augurs were whining and moaning or some such thing. PB pellets are supposed to...
  9. J

    Rule of Thumb for Drip Pans?

    I haven't been following the SmokeFire until recently and now that I have one on the way I'm trying to learn everything I can about it. Is there a rule of thumb for drip pans? Would you every use while grilling or would the flavorizer bars take care of most of the drippings?
  10. J

    How Much Food Can a SmokeFire Smoke at Once?

    Thanks Lew! I will definitely check the group and FAQ out.
  11. J

    How Much Food Can a SmokeFire Smoke at Once?

    I just ate dinner and my mouth is watering looking at those ribs. It sounds like drip pans are everything with the SF. Do they interfere with smoke / airflow?
  12. J

    Opinions of Smoke Level?

    I've seen these, but never tried them and then I got into Bear Mountain before I gave up on the pellet grill I had at the time.
  13. J

    Opinions of Smoke Level?

    That's another wow. I never knew that about SF. I know it may not be the same as a barrel or offset, but if it comes close the convenience would more than make up for it.
  14. J

    Opinions of Smoke Level?

    That's exactly my goal with my OJ Bronco. Present, but not overwhelming.
  15. J

    How Much Food Can a SmokeFire Smoke at Once?

    Thank you. That looks quite spacious.
  16. J

    How Much Food Can a SmokeFire Smoke at Once?

    So true. As a matter of fact my local Ace had an EXL6 in the box. I bought it and they are going to assemble it, deliver it and move my gasser off the deck next week. I'm just going for it.
  17. J

    How Much Food Can a SmokeFire Smoke at Once?

    Thank you. Is that the EX6?
  18. J

    How Much Food Can a SmokeFire Smoke at Once?

    Aside from the great information I'm getting, reading these forums has been therapeutic. Where else can you read about people talking about the grills and smokers they keep on the deck and the ones they keep under the deck and not have to defend yourself. :)
  19. J

    Opinions of Smoke Level?

    That's also encouraging. I have not done a brisket yet either. Not because I don't want to, but because I don't want to get up at 3 am. :) I often cook my spatchcocked chicken at 325, but I could start it off in super smoke mode for an hour and see what happens.
  20. J

    Opinions of Smoke Level?

    Wow. I wasn't expecting that. That's definitely encouraging.

